(6) | ( (1) | A (202) | B (433) | C (287) | D (408) | E (96) | F (158) | G (289) | H (254) | I (32) | J (240) | K (398) | L (260) | M (2109) | N (547) | O (35) | P (236) | Q (13) | R (148) | S (578) | T (290) | U (7) | V (103) | W (127) | X (23) | Y (19) | Z (103)
Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
Saayman Heidi


3 February 1970
Sabelo Matomane
Sabelo Winnington 7 February 1992
Sable Sarah
Sacharia Mashandi
Sacharius Alfeus
Sachs Albert

Member of the ANC, helped draft the ANC's Code of Conduct and statutes, member of the Constitutional Committee and National Executive Committee of the ANC, Director of Research for the Ministry of Justice, Constitutional Court Judge and author

30 January 1935
Sachs Emil

Socialist, organised shop assistants on the Witwatersrand into a trade union, honorary secretary of the Shop Assistants trade union, member of the CPSA, elected to the national executive committee of the South African Trade and Labour Co

11 November 1900 30 July 1976
Sachs Solly

A member of the South African Communist Party and the CTTU

Sacks George

A member of the Communist Party of South Africa

Safodien Mujahid


17 March 1972
Sagalala Motisaoitsile

Minor, Worker, Casualty

16 August 2012
Sajini Homane
Sakiwo Mehlo
Saks Julius

Pharmacist and Honorary Life President of the South African Optometeric Association

1899 1975
Sakwe Charles Kwelemthini

Served on the United Transkeian Territories General Council and the Transkeian Territorial Authority but was defeated for election to the Transkeian Legislative Assembly in 1963, schoolmaster turned farmer and businessman, was active in support of the Cape Native Voters' Association, executive member of the (AAC)

c 1886 1964
Salim Essop
Saliman Nthako 11-November-1982
Saliwa Ruben
Saliwa Joseph

Banished person

Salman Welile 10-September-1990
Saloojee Cassim

Teacher and political activist, involved in the South African Indian Congress, Treasurer of the United Democratic Front, Member of Parliament (post 1994), founding member of Johannesburg’s Market Theatre and the alternative theatre group the ‘Phoenix players’.

1935 1 February 2009
Saloojee Suliman

Legal clerk, political activist, Transvaal Indian Congress member, fourth person to die in police custody for political actvity

05-February-1931 09-September-1964
Saloojee R.
Saluman Bernard 29-September-1982
Sameul Hashe
Samfumfu Sonchaka
Sampson Anthony

British writer and journalist, editor of Drum magazine in Johannesburg during the 1950s

03-August-1926 18-December-2004
Sampson Vicky

Singer, performer, Co-Director at Mzanzi Cultural Industries 

Samson Molosi
Samson Fadana
Samuel Xulu
Samuel Malepane
Samuel Mokhubela
Samuel Ntombena
Samuel Hans
Samuel Hdlangisa
Samuel Movanda
Samuel Peter
Samuel Mphuthi
Samuel Kabiqeya
Samuel Pityana
Samuel Rahube
Samuel Kolisile
Samuel Shibane
Samuel Sola
Sandi Sijaka
Sandile Sizani
Sandlobe Maduse 1941 21 March 1962
Sandon Harold

A part of the Guardian newspaper and the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

Sandon Eveleu

A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

Sandy Lebese
Sangozi Zolile 11-November-1988
Sangweni Phillmon


Sangweni Stanislaus

exile, Professor of Sociology, member of the ANC and Chair of the Public Service Commission.

13 September 1933
Santry Denis 1879 1960
Santry Modeieine
Saoli Winston Churchill


Saphendu Fezile

Minor, Worker, Casualty

16 August 2012
Sapotela Andile July 1989
Saro-Wiwa Kenule

Author, activist, civil servant, teacher, television producer

10-October-1941 10-November-1995
Sastri V.S. Srinivasa 1860 1946
Sathaswan Cooper
Satini Zwelindawa
Sauer Magdalena


06-May-1890 10-October-1983
Sauer Jacobus

Member of Parliament in the Cape, Minister of Native Affairs and Commissioner of Public Works.

circa 1850 24 July 1913
Saul Nkopodi
Savimbi Jonas Founder and President of UNITA in Angola 3 August 1934 22 February 2002
Sawyer Ethel
Sazi Ngcobo
Schadeberg Jürgen South African photographer and artist 18-March-1931 29 August 2020
Schall Joan

A member of the South African Congress of Democrats (COD)

Schatler Rose

A trade unionist

Schedrin Jack

A member of the South African Communist Party (SACP)

Schedrin Joan

A member of the South African Communist Party (SACP)

Scheepers Johanna (Joey)

Shopsteward, Secretary and Organizer of the central branch of the GWU of South Africa

19-April-1915 14-April-1976
Scheepers Gideon Jacobus

fxecuted Boer Commando leader and folk legend

4 April 1878
Schermbrucker Ivan

Member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA), the Springbok Legion, South African Communist Party (SACP) and uMkhonto weSizwe (MK)

Schermbrucker Leslie

A member of the South African Communist Party (SACP)

Schlebusch Alwyn
Schlemmer Lawrence

author, sociologist, political analyst, Professor, Dean of Social Sciences, Director of Centre for Social and Development Studies at Natal University (now UKZN), chair of the Wits Centre for Policy Studies, founding member of the Academy of Science of

11 September 1936 26 October 2011
Schlesin Sonja

MK Gandhi’s South African Secretary

06-June-1888 06-January-1956
Schmidt Georg

Pioneer missionary in South Africa and founder of the first Protestant mission station in Southern Africa.

30 September 1709 1 August 1785
Schneider Michael

A member of the African Resistance Movement (ARM). Lived in exile.

Schoon Marius

Member of COD and activist

22 June 1937 7 February 1999
Schoon Jeanette

An African National Congress (ANC) member and a trade unionist

Schoon Jeanette
Schoon Katryn
Schreiner Olive

Feminist writer

24-March-1855 11-December-1920
Schreiner William

Prime Minister of the Cape Colony, anti-British imperialist, lawyer, joined the Cape Parliament as representative of Kimberley, appointed Attorney General by Cecil John Rhodes

30 October 1857 28 June 1919
Schreiner Barbara

A member of the South African Communist Party (SACP)

Schreiner Jennifer

Member of NUSAS, ANC, SACP and MK, secretary of the United Women's Organisation of the Western Cape (UWO).

Schrmbrucker Ivan
Schwarz Harry

attorney, barrister (Member of Middle Temple) in London, United Kingdom, advocate at the South African Bar, political anti-apartheid opposition leader, Chair of the federal executiveof the Progressive Reform Party, defence lawyer in Rivonia Trial, Memb

13 May 1924 5 February 2010
Schwegmann Wendy


Scott Michael

Ordained Anglican preacher, Anti-Apartheid Activist, Special Representative of the Herero people at the United Nations, founding member of the African Bureau, arrested for his participation in the 1946 Passive Resistance Campaign in Durban, negotiated the return of Tshkedi and Seretse Khama to Botswana, helped broker a cease-fire be the people of Nagaland and the Indian Government.

30 July 1907 14 September 1983
Seage Lucas


02-November-1956 03-November-2009
Seakwe Morakabe
Sealetsa Samuel 26.12.76
Sealogo Alfred 10.8.76
Searelle William

Composer, dramatist, impresario and South African theatrical pioneer in the English language

1853 18-December-1907
Searle Berni

Visual Artist

Seatlholo Khotso

Political activist, President of SSRC

05-November-1958 13-February-2004
Sebastian Hempe
Sebe Lennox

Headmaster, assistant school inspector, advisor to the Paramount Chief Bazindlo Sandile, held the educational and agricultural portfolio in the Ciskei Territorial Authority, member of the Ciskei legislative Assembly and Chief Minister in 1973

26 June 1926 1994
Sebeela J.E 26.12.76
Sebei Mamogase

Banned person.

Sebeko Archibald

Agricultural officer, trade union organiser, National Executive Committee member of SACTU, member of the African National Congress, 1956 Treason Trialist.

03-March-1928 27-March-2018
Sebenzile Mqenqeni
Sebesebe George 31.12.76
Sebidi Mmapula Mmakgoba

Artist and painter

Sebidi Thomas
Sebugudi Ntrouko
Secchoareng Abraham

Teacher, active in the Kimberley ANC

Sechai Johannes
Sedgwick Michael

Member of the South African Black Scholars Association, youth organizerat the Churches Urban Planning Commission (CUPC), employed at the Department of Labour in the Western Cape

20 February 1958
Sedibe Refiloe Jackie

Member of the ANC and MK, Chief director of equal opportunities in the South African National Defence Force and Major General

Sedick Isaacs
Sedisa William 21-March-1960
Seedat Dawood

Founder member of the Liberal Study Group, elected secretary of the Communist Party of South Africa in Durban, member of the Natal Indian Congress, Liberal Study Group, India League, National Protest Day Committee (1950), and Stalin Memorial Committee, founder of the Indian Shop Assistant’s Union, banned person, political prisoner, listed in the United States of America Congress Report of 500 ‘most dangerous’ communists in the world in 1950, Treason Trialist in 1956, banned person, political prisoner

1916 1976
Seedat Fatima

Member of the Communist Party in Cape Town and after her marriage became a member of the Natal Indian Congress and the ANC. First jailed in 1946 for her role in the passive resistance in Durban, jailed for the second time in 19

14-October-1922 2003
Seedat Hassim

Attorney, political prisoner, Natal Indian Congress treasurer, member of the Democratic Lawyers Association, first black member elected as a council member of the Natal Law Society, past chairman of the Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), trustee of the Gandhi Development Trust, member of the editorial board of Satyagraha newspaper, chair of the Mota Varachha Trust and chairman of the Freedom Park Trust History Durban Committee.

1930 5 June 2019
Seeiso Moshoeshoe II Motlotlehi (Constantine Bereng)

His Majesty, King Moshoeshoe II of Lesotho

2 May 1938 1996
Sefatsa S 21-March-1960
Sefularo Molefi

Founder member of AZASO, Member of the ANC,   medical doctor, lecturer, member of Witwatersrand University Council, national deputy minister of health.

09 July 1957 05 April 2010
Segal Ronald

A south african publisher

Segatle Darius

Principal, a member of the ANC and banished person

Segegede Jan 26.12.76
Segogela Johannes 1936
Segola Samuel 11-November-1985
Segole Ebenizer 07-September-1986
Segoto Joseph 1960 14 August 1984
Segwale Rose 09-July-1977
Sehlani Pita
Sehularo Isaac
Seidman Judy
Seitshiro Bennett

ANC member in Newclare

Sekele Peter
Sekete Goerge 21-March-1960
Sekete G 21-March-1960
Sekete Vincent 28-November-1985
Sekgapane Reginald
Sekhukhune William

Banished person.

Sekhukhune Morwamotse

Banished person

Sekhukhune Mankopodi

Banned person.

Sekhukhune Godfrey

Banished Person

Sekhukhune Matsebe

King of the Marota people (Bapedi)

1814 13 August 1882
Sekhukhuni Paul 26.12.76
Sekibelo Mathe
Sekilo P
Sekitla Miriam 21-March-1960
Sekonyela Sekonyela

Chief of Batlokwa

1804 1856
Sekonyela Kgosi

Chief of Batlokwa

1804 20-July-1856
Sekoto Jan

South African artist and musician

09-September- 1913 20-March-1993
Sekulu Walter
Selane Charles 26.12.76
Selanyano Johannes 21-March-1960
Selassie I Haile

Emperor of Ethiopia, exiled leader, Commander of Ethiopian Army, Messiah figure for Rastafarian religion

23 July 1892 27 August 1975
Selborne Lord William

High Commissioner in South Africa, and Governor of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony.

17-October-1859 26-February-1942
Selby Arnold

Freedom fighter.

14-November-1918 27-August-2002
Selebi Jacob

ANC Youth League head in exile, Member of the African National Congress, Member of Parliament, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Affairs, National Police Commissioner and President of Interpol

7 March 1950
Seleka Takatso
Selepe Peter

Accused in the 1956 Treason Trial, Sergeant in the South African army in World War II, Member of Springbok Legion and of the ANC, insurance agent

Selepe Donald
Selhorst Josepha


Sello 11/11/86
Sello Motlhabakwe
Sello Motse
Selomo Ray
Semabe Petrus
Sembeya Vorster
Seme Pixley

Lawyer, journalist, author member of the SANNC, launched the SANNC newspaper, Abantu Batho, President-General of the ANC

1 October 1881 7 June 1951
Semenya Mokgadi

Caster Semenya, one of the premier South African atheltes has been running since an early age. Setting multiple world records she has truly been an inspiration for South Africans

Semousi Steven 30.8.76
Senatla Tsotsi
Senatle Vincent 26.12.76
Senzangakhona 07-August-1981
Seohaba Modibedi
Seoka Phuthuma


1922 1997
Seopa Maphuti

Banished person

Seopa Mamolatela


Banished person

Seopa Boy

Banished person

Seopa Marapo

Banished person

Sepamla Sydney

Novelist and poet

22-September-1932 09-January-2007
Sepampuru Philemon 21-March-1960
Sepel Ralph

A member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), African National Congress (ANC) and  The Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM), based in the United Kingdom.

Sepel Minnie

A member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), The Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) and the African National Congress (ANC).

Sepeng Hezekiel

South African athlete of international stature, who became a Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games Silver Medallist

30 June 1974
Sepere Lehloenya
Seperepere Mamping
September Connie

Trade Unionist, Deputy President COSATU, member of the ANC and Member of Parliament, Minister of Human Settlements. 

September Reginald (Reggie)

Trade unionist, General Secretary of the South African Coloured People's Organisation, Secretary of the Franchise Action Council, 1956 Treason Trialist, political prisoner, executive member of the SACP and the ANC, member of the ANC's Revolutionary Cou

13-June-1923 23-November-2013
September Dulcie ANC member, anti-apartheid activist, and political prisoner who went into exile in London. She was later assassinated in Paris. 20- August-1935 29-March-1988
September Peter
Seqwana Winifred

First African woman member of the Communist Party of South Africa in Langa, member of the African National Congress Womens League, Federation of South African Women, founder of the Langa Women’s Vigilance Association, national vice-president of the National Council of African Women (NCAW) and political prisoner

1897 1961
Sergeant Magaretsa
Seroke Joki
Serote Mongane

Poet, novelist, political activist, exile, member of the Black Consciousness Movement and African National Congress, Commander in uMkhonto weSizwe and Member of Parliament

Seroto Matikwane
Sesedi Sam P.

Teacher, butcher, executive member of the All African Convention and the ANC,ran successfully for election to the Natives' Representative Council in 1949, winning the Cape rural constituency, President of the Location Advisory Boards Congress

1895 1960
Seteane Sanana 21-March-1960
Seti Gladstone
Setiko Patrick
Setloge Robert
Setshedi Reuben
Setsoba Charles
Sewela Gladstone 23 December 1988
Sewgolum Sewsunker


1930 06-July-1978
Sewpersadh George

Lawyer, President of the NIC, banned, politcal detainee, member of the UDF

7 October 1936
Sexwale Leseja 13/08/81
Sexwale Mosima Gabriel (Tokyo)

ANC political activist, former premier of Gauteng Province and currently Minister of Human Settlements

5 March 1953
Shabalala Joseph


28-August-1941 11-February-2020
Shabalala Lucky


Shabalala Mduduzi

Member of the ANC and MK, exiled person, Robben Island prisoner, Treasurer of Lamontville Youth Congress

24 July 1965
Shabalala Amos
Shabang Hlapang
Shabangu Nkosinathi 5 June 1987
Shabangu Susan

Secretary for the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) and the Federation of Transvaal Women; member of the Anti-Republic Campaign Committee; Release Mandela Campaign Committee; organiser and administrator for the Amalgamated Black Worker's Project; representative of the Transport and General Workers' Union (T and GWU); member of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) National Women's Subcommittee; African National Congress’s (ANC) National Election Steering Committee; Member of Parliament; Deputy Minister of Minerals and Energy; ANC National Working Committee; member of National Executive Council (NEC) of the ANC; Deputy Minister of Safety and Security; Minister of Women in the Presidency of the Republic of South Africa; Minister of Social Development.

28 February 1956
Shabangu Doctor 26.12.76
Shabangu Mandla
Shabangu Portia
Shabangu Elliot

Activist with the ANC and SACTU

Shadrack Mbekile
Shadrack Ndlakuhlolo
Shadrack Ngcutushe
Shall Sydney

Volunteer in the Defiance Campaign. Active in student affairs at University of the Witwatersrand

Shangase Nomava

Member of the ANC and MK and medical doctor

09-May-1931 23-October-1981
Shangase Absolom
Shange Victor


Shange Cynthia

First Black beauty queen to represent South Africa at Miss World pageant, veteran actress and model 

Shange Jerry
Shange Wiseman
Shanley Dorothy

Arrested and detained for political activities

18-October-1920 04-April-2001
Shanley Errol T.

Member of the CPSA and was active in the Party-inspired Anti–Fascist League, serving as its Natal secretary. During the Second World War, Shanley was the secretary of the Natal section of Trades and Labour Council. Secretary of the Suga

April 1911 23-March-2002
Shapiro Naomi

A journalist for the Guardian news paper and a member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

Shapiro Jonathan

Cartoonist and activist

Shapiro Gaby

A member of the African National Congress (ANC)

Sharp Alfred
Shelembe Oscar
Shell Robert

Foremost historian of Cape slavery, Nelson Mandela Chair of African Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi 2003, author of acclaimed book on Cape slavery, Children of Bondage, husband of Dr Sandra Rowoldt-Shell and father of Elisabeth Rozalette Shell.

13-February-1949 03-February- 2015
Shembe Isaiah Approx 1870s 1935
Shepard Ngakumbu
Shepstone Theophilus

British South African statesman, an administrator of native affairs, who was responsible for the annexation of the Transvaal in 1877.

8 January 1817 23 June 1893
Shepstone Theophilus

British South African statesman, Administrator of Native Affairs, responsible for the annexation of the Transvaal in 1877

08-January-1817 23-June-1893
Sheweni Albert 1932 31 October 1967
Shezi Inkosi Sigananda 1810 June 1906
Shezi Mandla
Shibane Samuel
Shiceka Sicelo

Member of COSAS, COSATU ANC and the SACP, MEC for Local Government in Gauteng, Minister of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

8 June 1966 30 April 2012
Shifidi Immanuel
Shihlomule Samuel 26.12.76
Shihungeleni Simeon
Shikomba Gaus

OPO, SWAPO and SWALA member, who was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island for his role as an activist

27 January 1935 3 November 2007
Shilakoe Cyprian


03-August-1946 07-September-1972
Shililifa Heikkie
Shinange Reckson 00/00/88
Shinners Mark

Political activist, PAC Member, Chairperson of ASUS, member of Makana Football Club

Shiponeni Johannes
Shirish Kanabhai
Shiryaev Viacheslav

Diplomat, military specialist, for his contribution to the struggle against apartheid and attainment of a democratic, non-racial and non-sexist South Africa, and promoting friendship ties, joint cooperation programmes and projects between Russia and po

January 1938
Shitilifa Phillemon
Shitwete Joseph
Shivambu Nyiko Member of Parliament for the Economic Freedom Fighters. 1 January 1983
Shivute Michael 17-June-1969
Shlaza Goodwill 3 June 1992
Shlemmer Lawrence

A member of the Institute for Industrial Education.

Shoke Zacharia Solly

MK  field commander, Director Personnel Planning of the SANDF, Director of Integration when MK, APLA and SADF were merged to form the SANDF, commanded the South African Development Countries forces during Operation Boleas in Lesotho, Major General and the Chief Director Human Resources Support, Chief of the SA Army

15 August 1956
Shole Layorus
Shomang Andrew 22.8.76
Shongwe Freddie 11-November-1986
Shonyeka Hangula 09-October-1966
Shope M. J. M.

acting chairman of the Transvaal Council of Non-European Trade Unions, Treason  trialist

Shope Mark

Chairman the African Laundry Workers' Union, acting chairman of the Transvaal Council of Non-European Trade Unions, General Secretary of the South African

1918 1998.
Shope Gertrude

Teacher, member of the ANC, chairperson of the Central Western Jabavu Branch of the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW).

Shuma Patrick December 1993
Shumang Lebogang 26.12.76
Shusha Majola 1912 6 July 1962
Sibande Richard

Organised farm workers, member of the ANC, accused in the Treason Trial of 1956,  helped expose working condtions in Bethal, provincial president of the Transvaal ANC

1907 13-March-1987
Sibande Mary


Sibande Peter
Sibankulu Professor 12 November 1992
Sibanyone Ben
Sibanyoni Seuntjie 26.12.76
Sibanyoni Diagon-Roderick
Sibanyoni Rodrigues
Sibeko David

Journalist, insurance agent, political prisoner, exiled person, member of the PAC leader, PAC's chief representative in East Africa, head of the PAC's mission to Europe and the Americas, PAC's permanent observer at the United Nations

26 August 1938 12 June 1979
Sibeko Johannes 7.9.76
Sibeko Titus 6.8.76
Sibiloane Aubrey 12 July 1991
Sibisi Sipho 11/11/77
Sibisi Joel


Sibisi Paul
Sibisi Paul


Sibisi Sithembiso 1976 2006
Sibisi Tikkie


Sibisi Jabulani 06-August-1988
Sibisi Jabulani
Sibiya Ndlela 11-September-1986
Sibiya Lucky

Visual Artist

1942 1999
Sibiya John 26.12.76
Sibonyoni Delmas
Sibulelo Mtshaza
Sibusiso Majola
Sibusiso Xaba
Sibusiso Mpahlwa
Sibusiso Mabaso
Sibusisomuntu Nxumalo
Sicelo Lutywantsi
Sidindi Ntshontsho
Sidney Sismane
Sidondi Greyton 12.8.76
Sidwell Mnguni
Sidwell Bolosha
Sidwell Ngqola
Siegfried Bengu
Sifiso Mathengela
Sifiso Buthelezi
Sigamoney Bernard

Political activist, minister, chairman and founding official of SANROC, trade unionist, sportsman, educator. 

1888 3 April 1963
Sigasa Bofana 19 July 1989
Sigcau Stella Margaret

Member of the African National Congress Youth League, member of the Transkei Legislative Assembly,  Minister of Roads and Works and over the next 20 years handled several ministerial portfolios, including energy, education, interior and posts and telecommunications. Instrumental in having single mothers granted land ownership rights in the Transkei, appointed to the cabinet of George Matanzima as Minister of Telecommunications, Prime Minister of the Transkei,member of the national executive committee of the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa), headed the ANC Women's League in the Transkei. Served on the Transitional Executive Councilsub-council on foreign affairs. Appointed Minister of Public Enterprises in Government. Member of the National Executive Committee of the ANC

04-January-1937 07-May-2006
Siggibo Gongo
Sigodwana Klaas
Sigubudu Chiyi
Sigwayi Mhlaba 1936 7 February 1963
Sigwela Ezra

Ezra Mvuyisa Sigwela is currently the South African Ambassador in Rwanda.

Sigxashe Sizakele

Member of the ANC and MK, Lecturer, Commissioner in the Stuart Commission and First Director General National Intelligence Agency.

21-June-1937 13-December-2011
Sihawu Mputumi
Sihlali Durant 1935
Sihlali Durant

artist, teacher 

Sihlali Leo

Teacher, political activist, member of NEUM, Cape African Teachers Association (CATA) and founder member of APDUSA.

9 September 1915 20 March 1989
Sijake Sandi
Sikga Rakosa
Sikhakhane Jabulani
Sikhakhane-Rankin Joyce

Journalist, author, TV producer, editor, member of the ANC, worked for the National Intelligence Agency and the SABC

Sikumbuzo Mtsweni
Sikundla Jacob
Silas Seboge
Silas Magotsi
Sileke Robert 23.8.76
Silelo Spelman
Sililo Joseph 1908 9 May 1961
Sililo A.

Leader of the Location Advisory Boards Congress in Durban, and prominent in the All African Convention, elected to the Natives' Representative Council in 1937,  member of the ANC's National Executive Committee,  Provincial secretary of the Natal ANC

Silinga Annie

Member of the ANC, member of the executive committee of the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW), defendant in the 1956 Treason trial, president of the Cape Town ANC Women’s League

1910 1984
Silwana Stanley

One of the first African recruits to the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA), he joined the Young Communist League in 1923,  teacher, helped organise the Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union (ICU), organiser for the African National Congress (ANC) 

Simangamanga Cunda
Simelane Ray
Simelane Patrick
Simelane Pitness (Stalwart) H.

Teacher, assistant secretary of the Natal ANC, he led the first batch of Durban volunteers in the Defiance Campaign, member of the National Executive Committee of the ANC, provincial treasurer  and later secretary of the Natal

Simelane Nokuthula

Member of the ANC and uMkhonto we Sizwe and Student activist.

1960 1983
Simelane Eudy

LGBTQI+ activist, member of the South African national women’s soccer team (Banyana Banyana)

11 March 1977 28 April 2008
Simelane Benjamin 26.12.76
Simmers Robert Melvin
Simon Mahlangu
Simon Nkosi
Simon Gwebani
Simon Nkosi
Simon Mashigo
Simon Msibi
Simon Ramalitse
Simon Barney Writer, Playwright and Director April 13, 1932 June 30, 1995
Simon Dladla
Simon Dondashe
Simon Siwa
Simon Magale
Simon Fana
Simons Harold

Taught African law and administration at the University of Cape Town, charged for sedition in 1946 mineworkers strike, member of the central committee of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA), banned person, scholar and author

1 February 1907 22 July 1995
Simons Ray

Secretary of the South African Communist Party and Trade Union stalwart, General Secretary of the Food and Canning Workers Uninon, founding member of the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW), author, recipient of the ANC's Isithwalandwe Award

12-January-1914 12-September-2004
Simons Mary

An Academic.

Simpompo Msongo
Simpson William Henry
Sin&shydile Manatanya&shyna
Sinclair Jean

Founder member and first president of the Black Sash in 1955, led the organization until 1975, recipient of the Government's Order of the Baobab in Silver

02-July-1908 06-June-1996
Sindane Jacob 00/00/88
Sindane Njinga 11/11/89
Sindane Jacob 11-November
Sindile Mazibuko
Sindile Ngqebisa
Singana Margaret


01-January-1938 22-April-2000
Singer Zollie

A lawyer and a member of the South African Congress of Democrats (COD)

Singh B.
Singh Debi

Teacher, farmer, secretary of the Anti-Segregation Council, secretary of the Passive Resistance Council of the Natal Indian Congress. He was imprisoned during the passive resistance campaign and again during the Defiance Campaign&nb

1913 1970
Singh Ansuyah Medical doctor, community activist and author. 12-June-1917 27-November -1978
Singh Jaydew

Lawyer, secretary of the Transvaal Passive Resistance Council. Member of the executive committee of both the Natal Indian Congress (NIC) and the South Afri

c 1920
Singh Rajah Sir Maharaj 1878 1959
Singh Sunny Girja

Chairman of Military Committee in Maputo, Robben island prisoner, exile, member of uMkhonto weSizwe, ANC Representative in Holland

Singxesa Nwayi 1912 18 September 1962
Siopis Penny

South African Artist

Sipele Mxolisi June-1984
Siphenuka Ndumiso 1964 20 April 1989
Siphiwo Sobuwa
Sipho Vilakazi
Sipho Nodlawu
Sipho Buthelezi
Sipho Mdushane
Sipho Dubase
Siqila Mabaso

banished person

Siquntu Mqambalala
Siquntu Mqambalala
Siramane Phillip
Sisa Mabuya
Sishange Themba
Sishi Jabulani
Sisulu Zwelakhe

journalist, President of Media Workers Association of South Africa, business executive, former SABC CEO, 

17 December 1950 4 October 2012
Sisulu Albertina

Albertina Sisulu 'the mother of the nation', activist and nurse, who has struggled for her whole life human rights and dignity.

21-October-1918 02-June-2011
Sisulu Lindiwe

ANC Political Activist 

Sisulu Walter

South African anti-apartheid activist, member of the African National Congress and one of the foremost influences in South African politics. 

18-May-1912 05-May-2003
Sita Nana

Secretary of the Pretoria branch of the TIC, involved the Indian Passive Resistance Movement, member of the executives of the Transvaal Indian Congress and the Transvaal Passive Resistance Council, President of the Transvaal Indian Congress, 

1898 23 December 1969
Sita Maniben Anti-apartheid activist; teacher; during the Passive Resistance Campaign in 1946, she and Mrs Thayanayagie Pillay, organised a group of women volunteers who formed the Indian Women’s Support League, political prisoner 24 December 1926 7 July 2021
Sitas Ari 5 December 1952
Sithadatu Gambushe
Sithebe Mkosiwathi
Sithembiso Zimu
Sithole Eric
Sithole Isaac
Sithole Lucas

South African sculptor hailed by some critics as Africa’s major Black sculptor

15-November-1931 08-May-1994
Sithole Clayton 30-January-1990
Sithole Bonginkosi July 1993
Sithole Jabu

mathematics lecturer, political prisoner, member of ANC, SACP and MK, Natal Chairperson of Operation Vula 

23 October 1949 27 July 2014
Sitishi Mpontso
Sitshoni. Z.C. 26.12.76
Situngata Galeni
Situsake Ngalo
Siva Pillay
Sivuku Bandile
Siwela Bongane (approx 1989)
Siwela Themba 1975
Siyothula Mannert
Siza Benny
Siza Hlongwa
Sizatu Zikatile
Skhosana Mzwakhe
Skhosana Ntela

Exiled person, MK Commissar, Robben Island prisoner, member of the African National Congress and South African Communist Party and South African National Defence Force

23 August 1964
Skomolo John J.

Anglican priest, member of the ANC national executive committee,  ANC chaplain,and helped to organise volunteers for the Defiance Campaign of 1952 in his Aliwal North. He later became inactive in the Congress movement and joined the Liberal Party

Skosana Audrey
Skosana Samuel 11/11/78
Skosana Ben M. 7 May 1947
Skosana Ben

Teacher, member of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), a permanent representative of the IFP in London,  committee member of the Reconstruction and Development Programme in government, Minister of Correctional Services

Skota Mweli

Clerk, journalist, court interpreter, and businessman, one of the founders of the ANC newspaper, Abantu-Batho, and served as its editor in the late 1920s, secretary-general of the ANC, member of the executive committee of t

c 1880s
Skotnes Cecil

Painter and woodcutter

01-June-1926 07-April-2009
Skweyiya Singingo
Skweyiya Khaya
Skweyiya Khanya
Sleigh Dan South African historian and novelist. He began working in the Navy and later in education. During the 1960s, he graduated with a BA degree in History and English and in 1987 would obtain his doctorate in History. His interest in Dutch and maritime history would play an important role in the novels he published. He has won several accolades for his writing.
3 November 1938
Slovo Joe Member of the South Africa Communist Party, founding member of the Congress of Democrats, accused in the 1956 Treason Trial, earliest member of MK, Chief of Staff of Umkhonto we Sizwe, a member of the Central Committee of the SACP, and served on the revolutionary council of the ANC from 1969 until its dissolution in 1983, General Secretary and Chairman of the SACP and former Minister of Housing 23-May-1926 06-January-1995
Small Adam Poet, playwright, academic, philosopher, columnist, social worker, Black Consciousness activist, one of the founders of UWC, recipient of the Order for Meritorious Service (Gold), the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns awards, Honorary Degrees from the universities of Natal (now KwaZulu-Natal), Port Elizabeth (now Nelson Mandela University), the Western Cape, and Stellenbosch, 2012 Hertzog Prize, and Civic Honours from City of Cape Town 21 December 1936 25 June 2016
Smiesing Jan

Enslaved person, school master and healer at the Slave Lodge in Cape Town.

1697 1734
Smit Sandi 1962
Smith Graeme

South African cricket captain and opening batsman. Youngest cricket captain in South African history. First to reach one hundred test caps as captain in the world.

1 February 1981
Smith Charlene
Smith Johannes Anthonie
Smith Alinah 29 April 1992
Smith Solly May 1993
Smith Trevor

Part of the The Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) based in the United Kingdom

Smith Stan

Part of the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) bused in te United Kingdom.

Smith Howard

A member of the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM), African National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party (SACP)

Smith Barbara

A Teacher involved with the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM)

Smith Vesta

Member of the African National Congress, member of the Executive Committee of the Black People’s Convention, founding member of the United Democratic Front, co-chair of the Anti-President’s Council Committee, political prisoner, co-chair of

20-July-1922 09-September-2013
Smith Margaret

Margaret Smith was an ichthyologist, painter, musician, museologist and an academic. She illustrated the book Sea Fishes of Southern Africa, which was written by her husband Prof James Leonard Brierley Smith

26-September-1916 08-September-1987
Smith Maggie

journalist, news editor, political prisoner

25-October-1930 18-November-2015
Smithard George Salisbury
Smuts Jan

Politician, world-famed statesman, soldier, naturalist, philosopher and former Prime Minister of South Africa

24 May 1870 11 September 1950
Snitcher Theo

A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

Snitcher Flora

Part of the Guardian

Snitcher Harry

Advocate, Queens Council, member of the Central Committee of the CPSA

10 May 1911 1999
Snuma Nceba
Snyders Simon
Sobhuza Sobhuza I 1795
Sobhuza Sobhuza I

First king of the Swazi 

1795 1836*
Sobikwa Climent
Sobukwe Robert

Teacher, lecturer, lawyer,  Fort Hare University SRC President, secretary of the ANC branch in Standerton, founding member and first president of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) and Robben Island prisoner. 

5 December 1924 27 February 1978
Sobukwe Zondeni

Political activist and health practitioner

27 July 1927 15 August 2018
Soci Houghton
Sodere Ndumiso
Sofute Bukiwe
Soga Archibald
Soga Allan

Magistrate, labour bureau agent and a road inspector, journalist, founder and secretary of the Bantu Union, a Cape voters' association

Soga Janet

Scottish and a wife of Tiyo Soga a South Africa Presbyterian.

18-March-1827 01-September-1903
Soga Tiyo


May-1829 12-August-1871
Soga Jotello First South African to qualify as a veterinary surgeon, pioneered research in the study of toxic plants, co-founded the Cape of Good Hope Veterinary Medical Society (now the South African Veterinary Association – SAVA)  1865 6 December 1906
Soga Robert
Sogawayi Mzimkhulu October 1986
Sogibag(Sobyiba) Batwa
Sogwagwa Jonathan 1933 27 September 1963
Sojaka Samuel
Sojane Mxolisi
Soka Zwelibanzi
Sokanyile Pumzile Sokanyile

Minor, Worker, Casualty

16 August 2012
Solami Madinani
Sole Kelwyn
Solly Moroape
Solly.ngubeni 06-January-1986
Solomon Stuurman
Solomon Zitha
Solomon Marcus

Socialist, political activist, librarian and treasurer and bursary committee member of the Cape Peninsula Students Union, Robben Island prisoner, banned person

27 January 1939, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape
Solomon Phetla
Solomon William Edwart Gladstone
Solomon Musi
Solomon Sefotlhelo
Solomon Mabuse
Solomon Bertha South African lawyer, politician, author, one of the country's early advocates for women's rights, one of the first women barristers in South Africa, first provincial councillor in the Transvaal Provincial Council, United Party Member of Parliament, founded the South African Women's Auxiliary Air Force during World War II, one of the founders of the Women’s Aviation Association. 1 January 1892 1969
Sols Cecil

Photographer and member of Afrapix

Sompeta Mzukisi

Miner, Worker, Marikana Casuality

16 August 2012
Sonamzi Goli 1936 07-February-1963
Songluka Mlungisi
Sonn Percival

President of the International Cricket Council (ICC), South Africa’s leading cricket administrator and an advocate by profession

25 September 1949 27 May 2007
Sono Matsilela

Businessman and soccer player

Sono Themba

President of the South African Student Organisation (SASO) from 1971 until 3 July 1972 and co-founder of the BPC. Academic, author and a Member of Parliament for Gauteng Legislature and National Deputy president of the Independent Democrats.

Sonti Linda
Sontonga Enoch

Choirmaster, poet, preacher, composer and author of the first stanza of "Nkosi Sikelel ‘iAfrika," the anthem South Africa adopted after its first democratic elections in 1994

1873 18-April-1905
Soobben Deseni Photographer, Lecturer 1963
Sorabji Shapurji

Bookkeeper, store manager, passive resister, barrister, political prisoner

13 July 1918
Sosibo Washington 28 August 1992
Sotomela Ndukwane
Soze Richard 11-November-1991
Sparg Marion

 Journalist, a member of uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK)

Sparks Allister

Anti- apartheid journalist, broadcaster, writer

10 March 1933
Spears Frank Sydney 1906
Speedo Dudu
Spencer Gege
Spencer Lloyd 1955
Spilhaus Pauline Augusta Wilhelmina (Nita)
Spogter Johannes 1928 05-July-1985
Spogter Johannes 1928 05-July-1985
Sprigg Gordon

Gordon Sprigg (1830-1913) was a British colonial administrator and Prime Minister of the Cape Colony in four separate terms: 1878-1881, 1886-1890, 1896-1898 and 1900-1904. Sprigg was a supporter of federation rather than of a Union for South Africa.

27 April 1830 4 February 1913
Stainbank Mary

Sculptor and art lecturer

1899 1996
Standard Cugani
Stanford Walter

Magistrate, Representative of the Cape Province in the Natives Land Commission, Secretary of Native Affairs, Under-Secretary of Native Affairs, Senator in the Union of South Africa.

August 2, 1850 September 9, 1933
Stanford Hlekani
Stanford Sizani
Stanley Mlambi
Stanley Molusi
Stanley Marankana
Stanley Matimela
Stanton Thomas
Stanton Hannah

A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA) and the Black Sash, political prisoner, worked at Defence and Aid, London, lecturer at Makerere University, in Uganda, teaching theology and caring for students, secretary of the World Conference of Religions for Peace, social worker and theologian

30-November-1913 09-December-1993.
Steele Richard

Conscientious Objector, Pacifist, Anti-conscription Activist, Leader of End Constriction Campaign, Baptist, Homeopath

Stein Isaiah

member of SACPO, exile, active in SANROC

26-October-1931 20-January-2011
Stein Sylvester

Writer, editor of Drum magazine from 1955- 8 and publisher

25-December-1920 28-December-2015
Stent Mike

A member of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS).

Stephen Nkebe
Stephens Nkosi
Stern Irma


02- October-1894 23-August-1966
Steven Matlou
Stewart Charlie
Steyn Jan

advocate, lecturer, writer, judge, former head of the Urban Foundation

04 March 1928 30 December 2013
Steyn Hendrik Pieter Marthinus 9 September 1886 14 August 1963
Steyn Pieter

Engineer, researcher, professor, author, for his contribution to and achievements in chemistry and biosynthesis of Mycotoxins was awarded The Order of Mapungubwe in Silver

5 January 1940
Stofile Bangana
Stopforth Paul

South African Artist (painter and graphic artist)

Storm Blizz

A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) and the South African Congress of Democrats (COD)

Stott Eulalie

Founding member of the Liberal Party, Anti-apartheid activist, President of the Black Sash and Founding member of the Women’s Movement for Peace.

04-August-1922 28-February-2010
Strachan Harold Political activist, Banned person, Political prisoner, member of uMkhonto weSizwe (MK), Writer, Author and Artist 01-December-1925 February 2020
Strachan Garth

A member of the South African Communist Party (SACP)

Strachan Brigid
Strijdom Johannes

Prime Minister of South Africa, secretary of the National Party

14-July-1893 24-August-1958
Struben Edith Frances Mary c. 1868 1936
Stubbs Anthony

Anti-apartheid cleric and published Steve Biko's collected writings

1923 2004
Stuckenberg Borge
Stuurman David

Leader of the Khoi people, banished person

circa 1773 22 February 1830
Stuurman Mlungise 26-July-1986
Stuurman Jeffrey 26.12.76
Sukwini Verdict
Sumner Maud Francis Eyston 6 September 1902 1985
Surtie-Richards Shaleen Stage, film, and television actress 7 May 1955 7 June 2021
Susele Mkhulwa
Suttner Raymond

Emeritus Professor at the University of South Africa and author

29 August 1945
Sutu Stadi
Suzman Helen

Parliamentarian, Human Rights Activist, sole representative of opposition party (the Progressive Party) in parliament during apartheid

07-November-1917 01-January-2009
Swart Charles

Schoolteacher, magistrate's clerk, advocate, farmer, lecturer, last Governor-General of the Union of South Africa, secretary of the OFS Referees' Association, Chief whip of the National Party, Minister of Justice, Minister of Education.

5 December 1894 1982
Swart Gert

Co-founder the Community Arts Workshop in Durban

Swart Christie 8.9.76
Swartbooi Mayoyo
Swartbooi Bushy 11-November-1983
Sydney Adams
Sydney Mde
Sydney Digabane
Sydwell Phathekile
Sylvester Siboza
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