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Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
wa Thiong’o Ngugi

A Kenyan born academic, author and social activist 

Wabena Jeff 12 October 1990
Wade Colin
Wadee Moebien

Medical doctor, forensic pathologist and political activist

Waghmarae Hemant

Teacher, political detainee, member of the BPC, Vice-President of Azapo, TASA, NEUSA, PTL and SADTU, School Support Manager of the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre.

Wallace Nkoata
Walsh Aidan 1932 16-July-2009
Walt Ethel

Member of the Black Sash, founder of the Transvaal Rural Action Committee (TRAC) to fight forced removal

22-November-1925 03-June-2010
Walters Tom

A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA).

Walton Beshe
Wana Lundi
Wanda Cele
Wandile John 26-December-1976
Wanneburgh Alf

A member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), South African Congress of Democrats (COD) and Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK)

Ward Sydney
Ward W.
Wasa Nkululeko
Washington Mbongo
Washkansky Louis

The world’s first human heart transplant recipient.

1913 1967
Waterwitch Robert Member of the ANC's armed wing uMkhonto weSizwe who died on a mission to plant a bomb at Athlone Magistrate's Court in resistance to the Tricameral elections in 1989.  15 July 1969 23 July 1989
Watts Agnes
Wauchope Isaac

Pastor, Writer, Politician, Teacher and Activist

1852 1917
Wauchope George

Political activist, member of AZAPO, lecturer and minister in the Anglican Church.

unknown 26-May-2011
Wayne Malgas
Webb Pauline

A member of the Young Communist League (YCL) and the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

1927 27-April-2017
Webber Harry

A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

Webster David

Academic, Anthropologist, activist in various organizations, most notably the Detainees Parent Support Committee.

01-December-1944 01-May-1989
Webster Edward A member of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS)
Webster Edward

A member of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS)

Webushe Welile 19-August-1987
Weijdema Trineke

Co-founder of the Angola Comite (AC) in the Netherlands to support the freedom struggle in Angola and Southern Africa.

Weinberg Eli

Trade unionist and photographer. Member of the Central Committee of Communist Party of South Africa, Secretary of the local committee of the South African Trades and Labour Council, ‘listed’ in terms of the Suppression of Communis

1908 July 1981
Weinberg Sheila Member of the African National Congress (ANC) and the SACP, secretary of the Human Rights Committee, member of the Johannesburg Democratic Action Committee (Jodac), member of the Black Sash and the Five Freedoms foundation, founder and a Board member of the Administrative Training Project, which provided training and support to civics, trade unions and the UDF, founding member of Friends of the UDF, and former member of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature. 01-October-1945 11-November-2004
Weinberg Paul

Photojournalist, documentary photographer, taught photography at the Open School, media worker worked at the Institute of Race Relations, film maker, lecturer

Weinberg Violet Trade unionist, member of the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the ANC (African National Congress), political prisoner, exiled person
Welcome Maphumulo
Welcome Zanomzi
Welcome Siwa
Welcome Mhlongo
Welcome Mafika
Welcome Fini
Wellington Mkwayi
Wellington Mandoyi
Wellington Marrand
Wellington Mbekwa
Wellington Mbopa
Wellington Dinca
Wellington Sindile
Wellington Skilishe
Wellington Sobandla
Wellington Maguma
Wellman Peter
Welsh David

A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA).

Wenning Pieter Willem Frederick 1873 1921
Wenzel Ernest

A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA). Detained in 1960, and again in 1964.

Wenzel Rosemary

A member of the African Resistance Movement (ARM)

Wesi Kenny
Wesley Mahlobo
West Martin 1804 1849
Whale Robert Hearder
Whitford Ernest Howard

A member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

Wieder Alan


Wiles Lucy


1920 2008
Wiles Frank


1881 1963
Wiles Walter


1875 1966
Wilfred Makhatini
Wilfred Mabena
Wilfred Ngcobo
Wille Yeye
William Gathebe
William Mani
William Ntutu
William Moses
William Daniel

Political activist and Clergyman

William Khame
William Mtotoyi
William Mtwalo
William Davis
Williams Gerald
Williams Graeme


Williams Rocklyn
Williams Cecil

Teacher, journalist, theatre director, political activist, Chair of the Springbok Legion

1906 1979
Williams George 09-September-1976
Williams Coline

Member of the African National Congress (ANC) armed wing uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) and the Ashley Kriel Detachment, Cape Youth Congress, drama student

30 May 1967 23 July 1989
Williams Ruth

a member of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK)

Williams de Bruyn Sophia

Executive member of the Textile Workers Union in Port Elizabeth, founder member of the South African Congress of Trade Union (SACTU), full-time organiser of the Coloured People’s Congress in Johannesburg, a leader of the 1956 women

Williamson Sue

South African Artist and writer

Willibard Sakaria
Willie Dindald
Willy Madikoto
Wilman Maria 29-April-1867 09-November-1957
Wilmot Mkwayi
Wilmot Mbukwana
Wilpard Martin

Banished person.

Wilson Monica

Anthropologist, educator, author, scholar and academic.

3 January 1908 26 October 1982
Wilson Bekwayo
Wilson Booi
Wilson Resha
Wilson Francis

Academic, researcher

17 May 1939 24 April 2022
Wilson Kuselo
Wilson Luzipo
Wilson Margaret 26-December-1976
Wilson Magodla
Wilson Fanti
Wilson Mketshane
Windvogel Zandisile
Winkler Harold

A member of the End Conscription Campaign (ECC)

Winkles George


1875 1928
Winship William

Paediatrician, medical specialist, lecturuer, scholar. For his excellent contribution to the field of medicine and dedicating his adult life to paediatrics and human genetics, William Sinclair Winship was awarded the Order of the Baobab in Silver.

18 March 1927
Winter Bishop
Wiseman Zulu
Wiseman Magxwalisu
Witboy Sinki 26-December-1976
Withers Honorine


1870 1956
Wmand Mati
Wolfson Issy 1906 1980
Wollheim Oscar

A member of the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA)

Wolpe Harold

Member of the SACP and ANC, political detainee, lawyer, academic, sociologist, Nuffield Foundation Sociological Scholar at the London School of Economics, member of the ANC’s London Education Committee and its National Education Council, Dir

14-January-1926 20-January-1996
Wolpe Anne-Marie

political activist, member of the South African Communist Party, lecturer, author, gender activist, played a key part in the escape of political prisoners from Marshall Square prison, actively involved in the African National Congress

01- December-1930 14-February-2018
Wolton Douglas G.

Leader of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) from 1931 to 1933, editor of the Party's newspaper, the South African Worker, later Umsebenzi.

Wolton Molly

Member of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA)

1906 1947
Wood Josephine


22-January-1874 04-April-1965
Woods Wendy

Anti-apartheid activist, Black Sash member, founder of the Donald Woods Foundation, charity campaigner

5 February 1941 19 May 2013
Woods Donald

Journalist, Anti apartheid activist, friend of Steve Biko, subjected to surveillance, placed under house arrest, fled to Lesotho, exiled in London.

15 December 1933 19 August 2001
Wright Dorothy


1911 1991
Wulfsohn Gisele

A freelance photographer specialising in portraiture, education, health and gender issues

18-March-1957 27-December-2011
Wycliff Nyalele
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