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Last name First name Synopsis Date of birth Date of death
Yacoob Zakeria Mohammed


Justice of the South African Constitutional Court 1988

Yacoob Justice

A former Advocate,  a former member of the Democratic Lawyers Association, Durban Detainees' Support Committee, Durban Housing Action Committee, NIC, UDF, ANC, served on the IEC, Society of Advocates of Natal, Chairperson of the South African Nati

3 March 1948
Yan Ah 05-Jan-1967
Yasin Ridwaan 7.9.76
Yawa Cebisile

Miner, Worker, Marikana Casuality

16 August 2012
Yende Prudence
Yende Mandla

Political Activist and Azanian People Liberation Army (APLA) combatant

Yengeni Tony

ANC and MK member, charged for terrorism

Yengwa Massabalala (Bonnie)

Natal Provincial Secretary of the ANC Youth League, lawyer, 1956 Treason trialist, Director of the Luthuli Memorial Foundation, author 

05-December -1923 21-July -1987
Yergan Max

Former Communist sympathiser, assisted in drafting the constitution of the All African Convention, co-chairman of the American-African Affairs Association, author

c. 1893 1975
Yesiko Sandile
Yiba Monde 26.12.76
Yini Zola 03/03/86
Yona Bonginkosi

Minor, Worker, Casualty

16 August 2012
Yoty Norah
Younge James


Yun Pin Leong 19-November-1966
Yusuf Sheik

Islamic Cleric, Father of Islam in the Cape Colony

1626 1699
Yutar Percy

South Africa’s first Jewish attorney-general and a leading prosecutor on the South Africa’s Rivonia Trial

29-July-1911 13-July-2002
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