VAJRASANA. (Indian). "Vajra-seat." The seat of enlightenment under the bodhi tree. Also, the seat, or altar, presently beneath the bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya is known as vajrasana. The term also refers to a throne or seat that has a vajra upon it or to padmasana, the sitting posture. Some authorities, however, contend that there are differences between the vajrasana, vajraparyankasana, and padmasana postures.

VALLEY. The intersection between two sloping roof surfaces, towards which the water flows. This is obviously the opposite of a roof hip which sheds water from it. (Afrikaans: kiel).

VANE. Also known as a Fane; a plate of metal, often ornamented, turning on a vertical spindle so as to show the direction of the wind, frequently fixed on the tops of spires and pinnacles.  It is often in the form of a cock and hence is very commonly called a weather-cock or a wind vane. (Afrikaans: weerhaan).

VAV. (Indian). Also wav. A step-well.

Vastera. (isiXhosa). A window, also known as ifestile. Derived from the Afrikaans venster.

VEDI. (Indian). An altar; an altar-stand or pedestal.

VEDIKA. (Indian). A railing enclosing a sacred caitya, or a spot or object of veneration.

VENDA. Indigenous group inhabiting the northern Transvaal in an area bordering with eastern Zimbabwe. The people are more correctly known as the vhaVenda and their language is referred to as tshiVenda.

VENDA ARCHITECTURE. The domestic architecture of Venda is perhaps best noted for its broad eaves, often supported by verandah posts running the full perimeter of a cone on cylinder dwelling and the use of stone in the construction of fortified villages for local chiefs and headmen. Wall decorations painted by women feature strongly on the perimeter walls of their homesteads which differ markedly from the circular pattern predominant throughout the rest of southern Africa.

VENSTERBANK. (Afrikaans). See under WINDOW CILL.

VERANDAH. An open gallery or balcony attached to a house or building, its roof usually supported by a light structure of timber or cast iron. (Afrikaans: stoep).

VERANDAH DWELLING. Generic term used to describe any dwelling with an attached verandah. This may be a partial verandah, covering one or more facades of a building, or a full verandah, as in the case of the cone on cylinder, where it runs the full perimeter of the structure.

VERGE. See under BARGE. (Afrikaans: gewelrand).

VERSPANNER. (Afrikaans). See under BRACE.

VESARA. (Indian). A mule or a hybrid. The name of a style of architecture believed to be associated with the Deccan region.

Vhoti. (tshiVenda). A door.

VICTORIAN ARCHITECTURE. Although the Victorian era was typified by an exuberant and richly textured architecture, much of this character relied upon the use of applied decoration. At first it largely took the form of fretted timber work, used in verandah trims, barge boards, gable finials and loft ventilators but the subsequent availability of mass produced cast iron work also gave added richness to roof lines and verandahs. Although there was an initial tendency to modernise previous Cape Dutch and Georgian dwellings by the addition of front and rear verandahs, a wide range of domestic and public buildings were also erected. Their style is better known for its eclecticism, including elements freely drawn from such varied sources as Medieval Gothic, Italian Romanesque and Byzantine traditions. Wide use was also made of ornamented chimneys, bay windows, sash timber frames, roof-ventilators and patterned brickwork, particularly after the 1870s and the discovery of diamonds and gold deposits in the southern African interior. VIHARA. (Indian). A monastery; may be either free-standing or rock-cut.

VIMANA. (Indian). The shrine portion of a temple and its superstructure.

VINKKAP. (Afrikaans). See under FINK TRUSS.

VLOERBALK. (Afrikaans). See under FLOOR JOIST.

VOORHUIS. (Afrikaans). From the Dutch, meaning front house or entrance room. See VOORKAMER.

VOORKAMER. From the Dutch, meaning front room. Term used to denote the entrance hall and main reception area of a Cape Dutch dwelling.


VORMKLIP. (Afrikaans). See under ASHLAR.

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