NAGARA. (Indian). Can mean either a town, or "pertaining to the city." It is a style of temple architecture associated with northern India.

NALAMBALAM. (Indian). In Kerala, the cloister surrounding a Hindu temple complex.

NAMASKARA MANDAPA. (Indian). In Kerala, a detached mandapa preceding the main temple.

NATAMANDIR. (Indian). "Hall of dance"; one of the mandapas of an Orissan temple; or a nrttasabha.

NAT DEKGRASLAAG. (Afrikaans). See under YEALM.

NAVA-CHOKI. (Indian). A nine-compartment hall; a type of mandapa, the ceiling of which is divided into nine coffers, arranged in three rows of three.

NDEBELE. Sotho/Tswana noun which has been applied in various contexts to indigenous groups who have either settled on or moved through the highveld region of southern Africa. Its roots have been attributed to the Tswana noun tebele meaning a plunderer. At one time it was believed to have been an appellation created by the Sotho/Tswana as a general term for the Nguni but more recent research has shown that its use has also been made in a Sotho/Tswana context. Various groups are known, both currently and in the past, to have used this noun or its derivatives. This includes the Matabele of western Zimbabwe, the South Ndebele of the south and eastern Transvaal, the North Ndebele of the central Transvaal and the Hlubi clan of the Tlokwa, living in the Nqutu district of KwaZulu. Their language is referred to as siNdebele.

NEWEL. Also called a newel post; a post in a flight of stairs supporting the handrail at a corner or terminal point. (Afrikaans: spil or trap).

NEWEL CAP. The wooden top to a newel post, often elaborately carved and turned. (Afrikaans: spilkop).

NGENDLINI. (siNdebele). The raised floor inside the dwelling.

NGUNI. Term used to define the language spoken by those indigenous groups largely inhabiting the eastern littoral of southern Africa from Swaziland in the north to the Ciskei in the south. These include those agglomerations currently referred to as the Swazi, the Zulu and the Xhosa speakers of the Transkei and Ciskei as well as the South Ndebele of the Transvaal and the Matabele of Western Zimbabwe.

NGWENA. (tshiVenda). Term, signifying crocodile, used to describe the carved and pivoted doors used by Venda royalty and local leaders in their traditional residences.

NICHE. Recess in a wall to house a statue, vase or other ornament. (Afrikaans: nis).

NIS. (Afrikaans). See under NICHE.

NISA. (Indian). A niche or cavity; a niche temple.

Nkosini. (sePedi). Door frame.

NNDU. (tshiVenda). Generic term used to denote any cone-on-cylinder dwelling.

Nnoko. (sePedi). A finial, also used to denote a center post or king post

NOK. (Afrikaans). See under RIDGE or RIDGE CREST.

NOKBALK. (Afrikaans). See under RIDGE POLE, PURLIN or PIECE.

NOKBONDEL. (Afrikaans). See under DOLLY or ROLL.

NOKDEKKING. (Afrikaans). See under RIDGE CAPPING.

NOKLAAG. (Afrikaans). See under BROW COURSE.


NOKSTUK. (Afrikaans). See under SADDLE PIECE.

NRTTA SABHA. (Indian). A dance-pavilion; a mandapa for dance performances and ceremonies; or a natamandir, a hall of dance.

Ntlhohlo. (sePedi). Roof apex or thatch top-knot.

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