Caka. (isiXhosa). The white-washed façade of a Transkeian dwelling. Also referred to as qaba.

Ifestile (isiXhosa). A window, also known as vastera.

Ilantyi. (isiXhosa). A batten.

Indlu. (isiXhosa). Generic term for a dwelling.

Indlu Yezitena. (isiXhosa). Brick wall construction, translates literally to a “dwelling built in bricks”.

Intsika. (isiXhosa). A center post used during roof construction, when it carries the greater part of the thatcher’s live load. After the roof has been completed, it is cut off immediately below the cross-brace, or isiphambano. Should the roof require subsequent maintainance or re-thatching, a new center post is inserted immediately below it as a temporary prop. Also known as the umqhoba.

Ipontshi. (isiXhosa). The apex of a conocal roof structure. This is often given additional water-proofing by an additional grass cap or, more recently, with a cement or clay capping piece.

Isibonda. (isiXhosa). A timber post, usually used as an internal wall support.

Isiphambano. (isiXhosa). A cross-brace, used to tie together the four main rafters of a conical roof structure.

Isitubu. (isiXhosa). A generic term for a raised seat, step or shelf. More specifically it is the name of the semi-circular shelf located at the back of a dwelling, where food may be stored, and where traditionally the father of the house will commune with his ancestors.

Iziko (isiXhosa). A hearth.

Qaba. (isiXhosa). The white-washed façade of a Transkeian dwelling. Also referred to as caka.

Ucango. (isiXhosa). A door.

Udonga. (isiXhosa). Generic term for a wall.

Ukugangato. (isiXhosa). A raised compacted earth floor.

Ukukhanda. (isiXhosa). Clay wall plaster.

Umgubasi. (isiXhosa). A door frame.

Umgxutsho. (isiXhosa). Wattle-and-daub wall construction.

UmNyango. (isiXhosa). A threshold or doorway.

Umqhoba. (isiXhosa). A center post used during roof construction, when it carries the greater part of the thatcher’s live load. After the roof has been completed, it is cut off immediately below the cross-brace, or isiphambano. Should the roof require subsequent maintainance or re-thatching, a new center post is inserted immediately below it as a temporary prop. Also known as the intsika.

Umsele. (isiXhosa). A drainage trench running the outside perimeter of a dwelling.

Uphahla. (isiXhosa). A generic term which can be used to denote either a timber roof rafter, or the roof structure as a whole.

Vastera. (isiXhosa). A window, also known as ifestile. Derived from the Afrikaans venster.

Yezitena. (isiXhosa). Derived from the Afrikaans baksteen, meaning a brick. Baked or sun-dried brick.

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