JACK RAFTER. A short rafter between hip rafter and eaves or between valley and ridge not connected to its own tie beam. (Afrikaans: kortspar).

JAGAMOHAN. (Indian). Orissan architectural term for a mandapa; an assembly hall; or an enclosed porch.

JAGATI. (Indian). In architecture, a terrace, a plinth, or a platform; the basement of a temple.

JAMB. The side of a door, window or chimney opening or frame. (Afrikaans: wang).

JOIST. Horizontal timber in a floor on which the floor boards are laid. (Afrikaans: vloerbalk). Also the small timbers which sustain a ceiling. (Afrikaans: plafonbalk).

JONG HOUT. (Afrikaans). See under SAPLING.

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