Danda. (tshiVenda). A roof rafter.

Guda. (tshiVenda). The roof eaves.

Gumba. (tshiVenda). The sapling ring used to hold down externally the grass thatch at the apex.

Guvha. (tshiVenda). A wall seat, usually used in conjunction with courtyard walls.

Lufhata. (tshiVenda). The inner timber framework to a dwelling wall.

Lukumbe. (tshiVenda). A verandah.

Luvhondo. (tshiVenda). The drum wall of a cone-on-cylinder dwelling.

Maalo. (tshiVenda). A raised clay floor.

Maguvha. (tshiVenda). The perimeter walls of a domestic unit.

Makolo. (tshiVenda). Painted wall motief, which usually derives inspiration from natural patterns, such as leaves and flowers.

Mavhona. (tshiVenda). The gap between the drum wall and the roof structure above. This is usually retained for ventilation purposes.

Mavu. (tshiVenda). ). Clay wall plaster, often used together with cow-dung.

Mbalelo. (tshiVenda). The saplings used to either bind the grass thatch at the apex, or to connect horizontally the inner core of upright posts inside a wall.

Muhamgammowa. (tshiVenda). A doorway, or door opening.

Mutende. (tshiVenda). The inner residential space of a dwelling.

Mutovhori. (tshiVenda). The timber finial, which acts as the focal point for the roof structure.

Raga. (tshiVenda). An internal wall shelf.

Thanga. (tshiVenda). The hard reed underlay between the timber roof structure and the thatch cover above.

Thokho. (tshiVenda). Timber wall posts.

Tshiaramo. (tshiVenda). The lintel over an opening.

Tshiludza. (tshiVenda). The apex to a conical roof structure.

Tshiukhuvha. (tshiVenda). A threshold.

Tshivhaso. (tshiVenda). The hearth, quite literally, “a place for burning”. This was the original name of Sibasa, which was then distorted by white colonial administrators to its present form.

Ufulela. (tshiVenda). A generic term for a thatch roof.

Ushula. (tshiVenda). Clay floor plaster, often used together with cow-dung.

Vhoti. (tshiVenda). A door.

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