RAAM. (Afrikaans). See under TRUSS.

RAFTER. A sloping timber extending from the eaves to the ridge of a roof. (Afrikaans: dakspar or kapspar).

Raga. (tshiVenda). An internal wall shelf.

RAKE. The angle of inclination to the vertical. See also BATTER. (Afrikaans: skuins terughelling).

RANGA MANDAPA. (Indian). An assembly hall in a temple; a type of mandapa; a sabha mandapa.

RATHA. (Indian). A cart or chariot. Sometimes used to refer to the temple that serves as the "chariot" of a deity, even though this is immovable. The term also refers to the pedestal of an image or the base of a building that houses an image. In form, the pedestal or base may be off-set, in which case, the ratha is defined by the number of its sections.

REBATE. A rectangular recess or groove cut longitudinally in a piece of timber, to receive another piece of timber. The notch or recess in a door-post, into which a door fits, is a rebate. Stones fitted together in the same manner are said to be joggled. (Afrikaans: sponning).

REGTE OJIEF. (Afrikaans). See under CYMA RECTA.

REKHA. (Indian). A streak or outline. In Orissan architecture, the name for the sikhara-type temple; the curvilinear portion of a sikhara

REVEALS. The total surround to an opening, comprising of the jambs, the head and the cill threshold. (Afrikaans: dagsome).


REKHA DEUL. (Indian). A rekha-type temple.

RIDGE. The apex or upper angle of a sloping roof, running from end to end, usually in a horizontal line. It has usually, although not always, a piece of timber running along its length called the ridge-piece, upon which the upper ends of the rafters rest. The tiles which cover it are called ridge-tiles. (Afrikaans: nok).

RIDGE CAPPING. A covering over the ridge. May be done in a variety of materials and styles. (Afrikaans: nokdekking).

RIDGE CREST. Exterior ridge or upper angle of roof. (Afrikaans: nok).

RIDGE POLE, PURLIN OR PIECE. A timber beam extending along the internal ridge of a roof on which the upper ends of the rafters rest. (Afrikaans: nokbalk).

RIEMPIE. From the Dutch. Leather thong used in the construction of early Cape farm structures.

ROD. See under LIGGER. (Afrikaans: grasdaklat).

ROFKAS. (Afrikaans). See under ROUGH CAST.

ROLL. Bundle of reed or straw, 100-200mm in diameter, used to build up the apex. (Afrikaans: nokbondel).

ROMAN TILES. Flat roof tiles turned up at the edges, with a row of inverted semi-cylindrical ones over the joint to keep out moisture. (Afrikaans: Romeinse dakpan).

ROMEINSE DAKPAN. (Afrikaans). See under ROMAN TILES.

RONDAWEL. Afrikaans term for the cone on cylinder domestic structure indigenous to the southern African region. It is possibly derived from the Dutch rondheuwel meaning a round hill. The word has entered local rural terminology as rontawuli.

RONTAWULI. (isiXhosa). Transkeian slang term used to signify a cone on cylinder dwelling. More correctly referred to as Inqugwala. Also see RONDAWEL.

ROOKGANG. (Afrikaans). See under CHIMNEY FLUE.

ROUGH CAST. External rendering of plasterwork usually applied as a two coat process during which an initial coat of smooth plaster is overlaid with a rough coating of materials, usually stone chips and cement. Also known as Harling. (Afrikaans: rofkas).

ROUSTEEN. (Afrikaans). See under GREEN BRICK.

ROUSTEENKLEI. (Afrikaans). See under ADOBE.

RUBBLE. Also known as rubble work. Walling of rough undressed stone. (Afrikaans: ruklip).

RUITBALKIE. (Afrikaans). See under GLAZING BAR or SASH BAR.

RUITER. (Afrikaans). See under HIP KNOB.

RUIT-IN-LOOD. (Afrikaans). See under LEAD GLAZING.

RUKLIP. (Afrikaans). See under RUBBLE.


RUSTICATION. Ashlar masonry, cut into massive blocks, sometime in its crude, quarry-dressed state, separated from each other by deep joints. (Afrikaans: rustiekvormklip).

RUSTICATED COLUMN. A blocked column whose shaft is interrupted by rusticated square blocks. (Afrikaans: rustiekkolom).



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