APOKORWANA. Eaves overhang.


AMAKAPA IBALELO. Timber roof rafter.

AMAOBA. Enclosed room located in the verandah.

AMATHURI. Verandah.
IBADI. Door.

IBALELO. Used to signify a roof timber spanning from post to post, or from roof beam to roof beam, and could mean either a batten, or a ring beam.

IBODA. The drum wall of a cone on cylinder dwelling.

IFESDIRI. A window. The term has probably been derived from the Dutch venster, also meaning a window opening.

IKHUPHU. Clay wall plaster, often also used together with cow-dung.

IMBHEJUNI. Decorative mouldings or sculptures on a wall.

INDLU. Can be used to mean a home, or just an indoor residential space, or room.

INGODO. Timber posts supporting the outside perimeter of a verandah.

INTUTHI. The tie-beam or tie-piece at the indoor apex of a roof. This is usually used to hold in place a central post supporting the roof apex during construction. After thatching has been completed, this is removed, leaving the tie-piece behind.

ISANGO. Can be used to denote either the doorway, or the threshold to the doorway.

ISIDLOGORWANA. The capping at the roof apex.

ISITUPE. External perimeter seat surrounding the external perimeter of a dwelling.

ITHURI. The low wall enclosing a verandah room.

IZIKO. The hearth.

NGENDLINI. The raised floor inside the dwelling.

UBULONGO. The clay and cow dung finish to a floor.

UMSAMO. An internal seat located at the rear of a dwelling, on axis with the doorway and the hearth.

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