Qaba. (isiXhosa). The white-washed façade of a Transkeian dwelling. Also referred to as caka.

QUARRY. A diamond-shaped pane of glass, also called a Quarrel. (Afrikaans: diamant).

QUATHLAMBA. (seSotho). Noun name for the Kathlamba or Drakensberg range of mountains.

QUEEN POST. The two posts nearest the mid-span in a queen-post truss. It is also applied more generally to any vertical post in a Howe truss which is not the King Post. (Afrikaans: hangstyl).

QUEEN POST TRUSS. A truss having no central post but two queen posts, one each side of the centre. (Afrikaans: hangstylkap).

QUOIN. From the French coin, meaning angle. Also spelt coign or coin. A term generally applied to the corner-stones at the angles of a building, and hence to the angle itself. During the building of stone structures, careful attention was paid to the setting out and the corners would be built by more skilled craftsmen with the general walling in between being done by apprentices. (Afrikaans: buitehoek).

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