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Britz, Bonjala Region-North West

This North West Town of Brits, in the the pretty Region of Bonjala Municipality, This Region borders on Gauteng and is surrounded by Citrus Farms. Brits plays an important role in the South African Mining industry: 94% of South Africa's Platinum comes from the Rustenburg and Brits Districts, which together produce more platinum than any other single Area in the World. In addition, there is a large vanadium Mine in the Area too.

Britstown, Northern Cape

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Britstown located in the Northern Cape of South Africa, a small farming town Named after Hans Brits, who accompanied David Livingstone on a venture to the interior and then settled on the Farm;'Gemsbokfontein'. In 1877, an association of local men, headed by T.P. Theron, bought a section of the Farm on which they built a Community centre and a Church. Soon after the discovery of diamonds at Hopetown and Kimberley, Brits realised that he and his neighbours could earn good money serving the growing traffic along the Diamond Way.

Maggie Oewies-Shongwe

Maggie Oewies-Shongwe was born in 1940 in Namaqualand, Cape Province (now Northern Cape Province). As the youngest in the house, she often stayed at home with her grandparents (who raised her) while her older relatives went to work. She would help her grandmother, who was the local midwife, take care of new-born babies.

18 Gangster Museum, Khayelitsha
18 Gangster Museum is an initiative in the Cape Town Township of Khayelitsha, the first Living Museum in Cape Town! The creation of the Museum is to help the youths of South Africa better understand gangsterism and the prison system. There by providing a positive alternative, for those heading down the path of gangsterism by giving susceptible youths a hands-on look into what that life is like! In the museum a person is exposed to immersive text and imagery, as well as experiencing a replica of a prison cell! This all facilitated by ex-offenders themselves.

Moyisile Douglas Tyutyu

Moyisile Douglas Tyutyu was born in 1935* in KwaZakhele, Port Elizabeth, Transkei (now Eastern Cape Province). His interest in politics was sparked from a young age when he witnessed how Black people were being treated at the hands of the apartheid regime.