Published date
1 March 1994
The South African government ended eighty-four years of control over the Walvis Bay enclave by handing over the port and twelve offshore islands to the Namibian government. This followed in the wake of bilateral discussions lasting three years between the South African and Namibian governments and the establishment of a transitional Joint Administrative Authority (JAA) in November 1992 to administer the 300 square mile territory. The amicable resolution to this territorial dispute, which stretched back to 1878, was commended by the United Nations and the international community as it fulfilled the provisions of UN Security Council 432 (1978), which declared Walvis Bay to be an integral part of Namibia.
Walvis Bay, History of Walvis bay, from Walvis bay, [online] Available at www.walvisbaycc.org.na [Accessed: 03 March 2014]|African Executive, History of Walvis Bay, from African Executive, [online] Available at www.africanexecutive.com [Accessed: 03 March 2014]