Published date
20 August 1983
The South African anti-apartheid umbrella organization, United Democratic Front (UDF) was launched at Rocklands Community Centre in Mitchell's Plain in Cape Town on 20 August 1983. Its inception was inspired by the union of anti-apartheid organizations in opposing the Tricameral Constitution about to be introduced by the Apartheid Government.The launch date was chosen deliberately to coincide with the date the government had initially chosen to introduce the Tricameral Constitution. The constitution was intended to give little recognition to Indians and Coloureds and none to Blacks. Fifteen thousand people defied threats by the apartheid government and attended the national launch. Rev Frank Chikane, who was the first major speaker was shot during the launch but survived. He called the day "a turning point in the struggle for freedom". The UDF disbanded in 1991.
SAHO, United Democratic Front, from South African History Online, [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 10 August 2013]|Seekings, J. (2000), 'The UDF: A History of the United Democratic Front in South Africa, 1983-1991'. David Philip Publishers: Cape Town|Cooper, C. (1989) Race Relations Survey 1988/89. Published by South African Institute of Race Relations: Johannesburg, p. 705