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The Transvaal Indian Congress takes a stand on Fietas removals

The Transvaal Indian Congress takes a stand

Published date

Last updated

20 November 1944
The Transvaal Indian Congress (TIC) passed a resolution on the Johannesburg area "Fietas", (the name by which Pageview and Vrededorp was known).They objected to a Johannesburg City Council meeting statement made on 17 October 1944, in which a detailed report regarding the "Western Areas Scheme" had been approved. The scheme involved the conversion of Newclare, the Western Native Township and the Southern part of Claremont to 'Coloured' townships, and the removal of residents to Orlando. It also covered the rezoning of Martindale and Sophiatown. From 1904 to 1934 Indians had increasingly become stand-holders in Fietas. The inter-racial area was home to several thousands of Indians, Malays, Coloureds, and Whites. However, between 1948 and 1988 more than 60% of the Pageview population was Indian and the area had a distinctly Oriental flavour.
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