Published date
13 October 1913
On 13 October 1913, Thambi Naidoo mobilised the Indians at Newcastle, Natal (KwaZulu Natal) Colony to start the Satyagraha Campaign (Passive Resistance Campaign). In this public meeting, Naidoo represented the Satyagraha pioneer, Mahatma Gandhi. Naidoo was hailed by Gandhi as one of the most important figures in the history of passive resistance and probably, with A.M. Cachalia, saved Gandhi's life when he was attacked and severely beaten by dissidents in 1908.
Seven years earlier, in 1906, a meeting was held at the Empire Theatre, Johannesburg to talk about a program of action. Around 3000 showed up and mooted for passive resistance to be waged. In 1907, the resistance began. Gandhi, Naidoo and Chinese leader Leuing Quinn, and others were imprisoned. A concession solution was attained between Gandhi and General Smuts, the Colonial Secretary at the time. It was agreed that Indians would register voluntarily and Act 2 of 1907, which made registration compulsory, would be repealed.
Chetty, K. (1996). ‘Resistance begins’ Ghandi: Mahatma in the Making 1893-1914.Durban: University of Durban-Westville [online], Available at scnc.ukzn.ac.za [Accessed 9 October 2013]| Callinicos, L. (1993)|South African History Online, C.K. Thambi Naidoo, [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 9 October 2013]|South African History Online, Mohandas (Mahatma) Karamchand Gandhi, [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 9 October 2013]