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South African artist Fikile Magadledla is born

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13 December 1952
Fikile Magadlela was born on 13 December 1952 in Newclare, Johannesburg. He was a self- taught artist, who learned and benefited greatly from his peers. One of his mentors was Harold Jeppe, who introduced him to art circles in Johannesburg. Most of his works are a combination of media and can be classified as surrealistic in nature. Magadlela was a member of and adhered to the Black Consciousness movement led by Steve Biko. He became very well acquainted with the leader, who encouraged him and other black people to fully express themselves. During the eighties, Magadlela was hardy active in the arts due to political unrest and exploitation of black artists by galleries. It was only in 1992 that he was able to hold an exhibition. Magadlela died in 2003.

Kuper, J., (2011), Repatriated 'struggle' work goes on show, from Mail & Guardian, 04 November, [online], Available at [Accessed: 16 November 2012]|Ifa lethu, Fikile Magadlela, from Ifa lethu, [online], Available at [Accessed: 16 November 2012]

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