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South Africa is banned from competing in the Davis Cup, because of its Apartheid policy in sport.

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Last updated

23 March 1970
During Apartheid, South Africa was expelled from many international sporting bodies. On 23 March, 1970, South Africa was banned from the Davis Cup - the largest international tennis event. In 1973 South Africa was briefly reinstated into the competition, only to be banned again in 1978. With the end of Apartheid, the country was again reinstated into the Davis Cup as well as many other international sporting bodies and tournaments.

ANC, United Nations, India and Boycott of Apartheid Sport, from African National Congress, [online], Available at [Accessed: 06 March 2014]|The Davis cup, Davis Cup History, from Davis Cup, [online], Available at [Accessed: 06 March 2014]

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