Published date
14 August 1974
South African trade unionist Raymond Francis (Ray) Budd, who also played a role internationally, died in Tonbridge, London, England. On 25 May 1933, Budd joined the Cape Town branch of the Almagated Engineering Union (AEU), holding all branch offices except that of treasury. The South African government often used his expertise and talents in various commissions of inquiries relating to his work. It was after attending the twenty-third annual conference of the International Metalworkers Federation in Stockholm in 1974 that he fell ill in France, returned in London and subsequently died there in hospital.
Budd was born in the Cape in Mowbray on 09 June 1910.
Verwey, E.J. (ed)(1995), New Dictionary of South African Biography, v.1 , Pretoria: HSRC.|South African History Online, Raymond Francis (Ray) Budd, [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za,[Accessed: 21 August 2013]