Published date
4 August 1976
Riots erupt again in Soweto and spread to other townships in South Africa. The Minister of Justice, Jimmy Kruger, again banned public meetings under the Riotous Assemblies Act, until the end of August.
Click here to read our past This Week in History about the Riotous Assemblies Act.
Kalley, J. A. et al (1999). Southern African Political History: A Chronology of Key Political Events from Independence to Mid-1997, Greenwood: London, p. 553.|Nelson Mandela Website: www.nelsonmandela.org|Susan Hunston, David Oakey, 'Metaphor and ideology in hard new stories', from Introducing Applied Linguistics: Concepts and Skills, Chapter 9, Investigating metaphor and ideology in hard new stories, Case study: Lee(1992), pp 101 [Online], Available at: books.google.co.za [Accessed: 31 July 2013]