Published date
28 May 1976
On 28 May 1976, the South African Student Movement (SASM) held a conference in Roodepoort. During the conference Aubrey Mokoena, a member of the Black People's Convention (BPC) and the Black Parents Association (BPA), delivered a speech about Black Consciousness, in which he raised the issue of Afrikaans. Student delegates passed a resolution, proposed by V. Ngema and seconded by T. Motapanyane, against the use of Afrikaans and expressed support for students boycotting classes. The minutes of the General Students' Council read:
The recent strikes by schools against the use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction is a sign of demonstration against schools' systematised to producing 'good industrial boys' for the powers that be ... We therefore resolve to totally reject the use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction, to fully support the students who took the stand in the rejection of this dialect (and) also to condemn the racially separated education system.
After the May 1976 conference, SASM contacted Seth Mazibuko and other leaders of the co-ordinating committee from junior secondary and higher primary schools. This group, with the help of SASM, called a meeting at Orlando East on13 June 1976. A committee was formed. This committee subsequently met on 15 June 1976 to consolidate strategies regarding the planned march on 16 June 1976
roodepoort info,"About Roodepoort",From:roodepoort info,[Online],Avialable at: www.roodepoortinfo.co.za,[Accessed on: 26 May 2014]|South African History Online. The Youth Struggle: The 1976 Students' Revolts