Published date
26 September 1992
During a summit between the South African government and the African National Congress (ANC), both parties agreed to a Record of Understanding. The Record set up a timetable for establishing a constitutional assembly, an interim government and dealing with political prisoners, amoungst others. The government and the ANC agreed that all political prisoners, whose release could make a contribution to reconciliation, should be released. They agreed that the release of prisoners who had committed offences with a political motive on or before 8 October 1990 shall be carried out in stages. However, the deadline for that process was 15 November 1992.
The signing of the Record of Understanding between the two parties came shortly after the funeral of victims of the Bisho Massacre where scores of people were killed by the Ciskei Defence Force on 7 September 1992. In his statement the ANC President, Nelson Mandela regarded the killings as nothing but an indictment on the apartheid government.
Boddy-Evans, A., 2011. ‘This Day in African History: 26 September’ from African History [online] Available at www.africanhistory.about.com [Accessed 04 August 2011]|O’Malley, P., 2011. ‘The Mandela/ De Klerk Memorandum: Record of Understanding 26 September 1992’ from O’ Malley: The Heart of Hope [online] Available at www.nelsonmandela.org [Accessed 04 August 2011]|ANC, 2011. ‘Record of Understanding Between ANC and Government’ from African National Congress: South Africa’s National Liberation Movement [online] Available at www.anc.org.za [Accessed 26 August 2011]