Published date
11 April 1986
Peter Nchabeleng, former president of United Democratic Front in Northern Transvaal, dies in police cells in Schoonoord, Lebowa. It is alleged that he was tortured while he was in custody. Before his arrest, Nchabeleng received a letter bomb containing his son's school results. He refused to open the letter and directed his son Maurice to return it to the principal. According to Maurice, the principal was aware that the envelope had contained a letter bomb.
After he escaped this bomb trap he was arrested by police at his home in the presence of his wife Gertrude. Two days after he was arrested his wife received the devastating and shocking news that her husband has died in hospital. The cause of his death was undisclosed. However, his son who testified before the TRC's human rights violations committee in Pietersburg, gave a different version from the one given by the police. Maurice testified "he was told by a security branch policeman that his father had been killed in the room and was ordered to wash his hands in his father's blood before he ate".
Coleman, M. (ed) (1988) A Crime Against Humanity: analyzing the repression of the apartheid state , Johannesburg: Human Rights Committee. | AMO, Police Deaths, Peter Nchabaleng's Memorial Service, Militarism, from African Media Online, [online], Available at www.africamediaonline.com [Accessed: 10 April 2014]