Published date
7 July 1974
At the height of apartheid in South Africa, New Zealand imposed a blanket ban on virtually all visits by sports teams from South Africa. The move by New Zealand was triggered by many issues, including the country’s apartheid policies. The story of international sanctions against South Africa dates back to the late 1950s.
In 1959, the Anti-Apartheid Movement which played a significant role in fighting apartheid in South Africa was launched in Britain.
From 1964 onwards, South Africa was excluded from the Olympics. From 1970 the country was excluded from international rugby and cricket. This was brought about by a combination of pressure from some African states, demonstrations and disruption of rugby and cricket matches.
O’Malley P. ‘1974’, from O’Malley: The Heart of Hope, [online], available at www.nelsonmandela.org(Accessed: 01 June 2012)|Corrigall M. ‘International Boycott of Apartheid Sport by Mary Corrigall’, from South African History Online, [online], available at www.sahisotry.org.za(Accessed: 01 June 2012)