Published date
10 May 1950
Life Magazine was founded in in 1883 and was published for 53 years as a general interest light entertainment magazine. The magazine featured illustrations, social commentary and jokes produced by some of the best writers and cartoonists in the world.
In the April 10 1950 issue of the magazine, it featured an article about King Farouk titled, “Problem King of Egypt”. The Egyptian government considered it an insult to their country. On 10 May, the Egyptian government banned the magazine from their country forever and confiscated all issues on sale.
Herald- Journal 11 May 1950 Ban Life Magazine from Egypt forever from Google News[online] Available at: https://news.google.com[Accessed on 13 April 2012]|History as it happened History of LIFE Magazine [online] Available at: https://historyasithappened.wordpress.com [accessed on 13 April 2012]