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Ken Oosterbroek is killed

Ken Oosterbroek

Published date

Last updated

18 April 1994
Ken Oosterbroek, the Chief Photographer of The Star, was killed in bloody pre-election fighting in Thokoza township on the East Rand, just two weeks before South Africans went to the polls in South Africa's first historic democratic elections. It was a bittersweet time for those who worked at The Star during that period. Ken was a larger than life presence, an intricate personality with a wonderful talent. His untimely death in the crossfire between hostel dwellers and a South African peacekeeping force was a great tragedy.  

Marsland,L.,(2004),Ken Oosterbroek-a retrospective exhibition,from Biz,22 April,[online],Available at [Accessed:11 April 2014]|,Ken O Biography,[online],Available at [Accessed:11 April 2014]

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