Published date
21 January 1931
Former leader and founder of the Dove branch of the Zion Christian Church (ZCC), Joseph Engenas Matlhakanye Lekganyane, was born at Thabakgone Mamabolo, Pietersburg district (now Polokwane in Limpopo). Joseph was the fifth and favourate son of Engenas Barnabas Lekganyane, the founder of the original Zion Christian Church before it was split into two branches. Barnabas chose and presented Joseph to his brothers, elders and his advocate as his successor just before he died in 1972.
After his father's death, Joseph claimed leadership of the church. The position was disputed by his brother Edward. As result of the strife, the ZCC split in two, each brother leading a branch with the Dove and the Star as their respective symbols. In 1965, Joseph Lekganyane changed the name of his church to St Engenas Zion Christian Church and added the symbol of a dove to the ZCC badge.
Prominent People, ‘Lekganyane’, from Prominent People, [online], Available at www.prominentpeople.co.za [Accessed: 8 December 2011]|Verwey E.J. (1995), New dictionary of South African Biography, vol. I, HRSC publishers, Pretoria pp.133-134