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John Kani was born on this day

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30 August 1943
On this day Bonisile John Kani was born in New Brighton, in the Eastern Cape. He matriculated at Newell High School and his love for theatre led him to work with several drama groups in the New Brighton area where they also performed at schools and for communities. He joined the Serpent Players drama group in 1965 where he met Athol Fugard. In collaboration, they produced some of the most well-known plays, including SizweBansi is Dead – which launched his career in theatre locally and abroad. The play also won numerous awards, including the Tony Award in 1975.[1]His numerous other involvements in theatre led him to become one of the most celebrated actors and playwrights in South Africa.[2] End Notes [1]Bonisile Kani, Available Online: (30 May 2017). ↵ [2]John Kani, Available Online: (30 May 2017). ↵
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