Published date
7 September 1987
An intricate prisoner exchange takes place in Maputo, Mozambique, involving 133 Angolan soldiers, anti-apartheid activists, Klaas de Jonge, a Dutch anthropologist, Pierre Andre Albertini, a French university lecturer and Major Wynand du Toit, a South African officer captured in Angola in 1985.
Major du Toit was captured at Cabinda, Angolawhile h e and his team were in a mission to find information on "hostile elements which threaten the Safety of South West Africa (Namibia) and South Africa". These included SWAPO, the African National Congress (ANC), Cuban involvement and "Russian surrogate forces".
Kalley A. and Andor E. (1999), ‘Southern African Political History’, (Greenwood Press), p.500|O’Malley P. ‘Chronologies: 1987’,[online], Available at www.nelsonmandela.org [Accessed: 06 September 2013]|Military Photos (2004), ‘throat warbler mangrove’, [online], Available at www.militaryphotos.net [Accessed: 06 September 2013]