Published date
22 May 1942
Zweledinga Pallo Jordan, who became the National Minister of Arts and Culture under President Thabo Mbeki’s administration, was born in B Location, Kroonstad, Orange Free State. He is the son to Professor Archibald Campbell Jordan an African novelist, linguist and academic and his mother, Dr Priscilla Phyllis Jordan, was a teacher, researcher and lecturer. He became politically active in the early 1960s when he joined the African National Congress (ANC). He served in various positions within the ANC. He also served as Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism of the Republic of South Africa from 1996 to 1999. After 2004 national elections, Jordan was appointed the Minister of Arts and Culture by President Thabo Mbeki.
SAHO, ‘Zweledinga Pallo Jordan’, from South African History Online, [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 16 May 2013]|MBendi, ‘Dr ZP Jordan (Zweledinga Pallo)’, from MBendi Information Services, [online], Available at www.mbendi.com [Accessed: 16 May 2013]|GCIS, ‘Zweledinga Pallo Jordan, Dr’, from Government Communications, [online], Available at apps.gcis.gov.za [Accessed: 16 May 2013]