Published date
3 February 1970
During his first speech as a member of Herstigte Nationale Party (HNP) a far-right political party that emerged in 1969, Dr. Albert Hertzog was scornfully attacked by the Minister of Transport Ben Schoeman in the House of Assembly.
This was not the first major clash between the two. In April 1969 Schoeman played a tremendous role in rejecting Hertzog's notorious "Calvinism" speech. At that time Hertzog was still a member of the National Party.
His main attack was aimed at B.J. Vorster whom he claimed had neglected the "Master Plan" drawn up for South Africa by Dr. Hendrick Verwoerd.
The second clash ensued at the National Party Congress hosted in Transvaal when Schoeman indicated that Hertzog should vote for important phases of Nationalist policy or get out.
Anon, (1970), 'Hertzog and Schoeman Clash', from Cape Times, 4 February 1970, [Available at National Library of South Africa].|
Anon, (n.d.), 'Herstigte Nasionale Party (Re-formed National Party, HNP)', from [online] Available at [Accessed: 19 January 2011]