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Charles Nqakula , Minister of Safety and Security and Chairperson of the SACP, is born

Published date

Last updated

13 September 1942
Minister of Safety and Security of the Republic of South Africa since 7 May 2002 and current Chairperson of the South African Communist Party (SACP), Charles Nqakula, was born to a poor family in the Eastern Cape. Nqakula, like his peers,  developed political consciousness in the 1970's when he became political reporter for Imvo Zabantsundu in King William's Town. He was appointed to his present position after serving for a year and a few months as deputy minister of home affairs. Nqakula caused an outrage among South Africans in June 2006 when he responded to opposition MP's in parliament (who were not satisfied that enough was being done to counter crime), when he said that South Africans who complain about the country's crime rate, "should stop whining and leave the country", though he later said that he was not reported correctly. It is generally accepted that South Africa has the second highest murder rate and the highest rape rate in the world.

 GCIS,'Mr Charlrs Nqakula',from Government Communication and Information System,[Online], Avaliable at [Accessed:12 September 2012]|

 Sunday Times,(2004),'Greationt Expectations',from Sunday Times,02 May,[Online],Avaliable at www.armsdeal- [Accessed:12 September 2012]

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