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British presents final Peace proposal

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28 May 1902
Two British peace negotiators, Lord Alfred Milner and Lord Horatio Kitchner, presented the British final peace proposals to the Boer negotiators after the South African War. Milner announced the proposal as final, and advised the Republic Peace Commission to either accept or reject it before 31 May midnight. After the peace proposal was presented to the Boer negotiators General J. C Smuts, one of the Boer negotiators, immediately deleted "ACT OF SURRENDER' on the title page and replaces it with "ACT OF PEACE". The British proposal stipulated that amnesty will be granted to all burghers except for rebels and those involved in listed war crimes. Those listed in war crimes included Field-cornet Salmon van As, who was accused of killing Captain Miers, and Barend Cilliers, accused of killing Lieutenant Boyle. The Cape government announced that Rebel leaders would be put on trial, but none will be executed.

Farwell: The Great Boer War in Cloete: The Anglo Boer War: a chronology. P 330.|

Evans, A.B., This Day in African History: 28 May, from African History,[online], Available Accessed: 27 May 2013]

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