Published date
12 September 1960
On 12 September 1960, the Anglican Bishop of Johannesburg, Rev. Ambrose Reeves was secretly deported through Jan Smuts Airport. The Bishop’s departure did not take any of the formal procedures. According to The Star newspaper, 23 passengers were listed on DC7B flight for London with a seat in the tourist section marked “occupied”, but with no name on it.
The Star (12 September 1960), ‘Bishop Reeves deported in great secrecy’, [Available at the national Library of South Africa, Cape Town Campus] pg 1.| Khanya.com, 2011. ‘On keeping the faith’[online] Available at www.khanya.wordpress.com [Accessed 19 July 2011]| Time Magazine, (26 September 1960), ‘South Africa: Out goes the Bishop’from Time Magazine U.S. [online] Available at www.time.com [Accessed 19 July 2011]