From: South Africa's Radical Tradition, a documentary history, Volume One 1907 - 1950, by Allison Drew

Document 12 - Letter from T. W. Thibedi19 to E. R. Roux 20, 27 January 1927

                                                                                                                                          27 January 1927

Mr. E R Roux

53 Lensfield Road



Dear Comrade

Your letter of the 5th January has been received last night unexpectently. Although when you left South Africa in promised to write us soon when you get we were all surprised that you didn’t, still we are pleased to see that you still think of our study class here at 11 Main St, Johannesburg. When we saw that you do not write to us we native students thought that the Capitalists steamer you took and the education they are giving you has changed you from when we (natives) know you to be. Comrade I am writing this being 8.30am and it must be posted before 9am. otherwise shall have to remain until Thursday next week. So allow me to tell you about our Natives Comrades here in South Africa.

Kadalie, Champion, Thomas Mbeki, James Dippa, Theo B Linjiza, De Nor, B.C.R. Mazingi, H.D. Tzamsashe + Co have left the revolutionary camp and moved to the Law + Order camp.2' There is no freedom of speech in the I.C.U. at all more especially who are known to be the revolutionary camp.

When you write to Lionel, Regina Malemela Ronald as you say you will please encourage Petrosi Malemela + Ronald Kwenyama to attend meetings of the Party. More especially Group Meeting Y.C.L. Meetings on Wednesday night at M'4 Trades Hall and encourage them all to attend open air meetings. I am asked although dismissed by Kadalie Champion + Co for refusing to leave the revolutionary camp + for having given the report you know in Cornelia Mine on the 23 July 1926 to speak in Pretoria on the 30/1/27 by the I.C.U. branch there. I am leaving on Saturday morning coming back on Monday morning but Kadalie Champion and Co does not know that I have been invited by that branch.

What does our C.P. there do in order to stop its soldiers from going to kill the innocent Chinese? 22 Will you please get me in touch with J. P. Campbell and H. Palliotte both of the C.P." I wish to correspond with them. Are you coming back to South Africa next year? With best regards from students at 11 Main St, Johannesburg.

                                                                                                                  Yours for a speedy revolution

                                                                                                                                             T. W. Thibedi

                                                                                                                                c/o Communist Party

                                                                                                                                            P.O. Box 4179
