Speech by President Nelson Mandela to the Angolan National Assembly Luanda, 29 April 1998

President of the National Assembly; Your Excellency, President Jose dos Santos;

Honourable Members of Parliament,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I come to this chamber today in all humility, conscious that I am standing before the elected representatives of a people for whom our freedom was as precious as their own.

Angola's solidarity with South Africans struggling for their liberation was of heroic proportions.


Stephanie Urdang

Stephanie Urdang was born in Cape Town, Cape Province (now Western Cape), to a family staunchly opposed to apartheid. Her father, a lawyer, worked in the Coloured township of Athlone on the Cape Flats, Cape Town. Although the apartheid system offered her full social, political and economic privilege on the basis of her skin colour, Urdang grew more and more abhorrent of the regime.