1. Strike for R80? : how much has this cost you and your family?
    | Poster

  2. Strategies of Repression in the State of Emergency

  3. Strategies for survival: moving to the cities
    | Poster

  4. Strategic priorities for building the African National Congress

  5. Straddling Realities: the Urban Foundation and social change in contemporary South Africa

  6. Stop violence against women: Candle light march

  7. Stop SADF and police brutality: meet our demands
    | Pamphlet

  8. Stop repression of trade unionists in South Africa and Namibia
    | Poster

  9. Stop met die plundering van die natuurlijke hulpbronnen van Namibie
    | Poster

  10. Stop killing our people: ANC Steve Biko died in detention 12 September 1977
    | Poem

  11. Stop government interference in our universities.

  12. Stod till Argentinska folkets kamp mot diktaturen!
    | Poster

  13. Stod FMLNs Radio Farabundo Marti: El Salvador Revolutionar Radiostation 1
    | Poster

  14. Steyn Commission II: How to Separate Truth from Fact

  15. Steun Zuid Afrikaanse Dienstweigeraars : Steun de End Conscription Campaign
    | Poster

  16. Statement to the ANC Conference from political prisoners in Pretoria local prison

  17. Statement released after discussions between the deputy minister of Planning

  18. Statement protesting against first bannings under Suppression of Communism Act and calling for defiance of unjust laws

  19. Statement on week of National Mass Action against violence in Natal

  20. Statement on the assasination of David Webster

  21. Statement on AZAPO: United Democratic Front conflict

  22. Statement of the United Democratic Front on death of Victoria Myenge

  23. Statement of the United Democratic Front National General Council

  24. Statement of the United Democratic Front General Secretary to the Annual General Meeting of the South African Health Workers Congress

  25. Statement of the United Democratic Front General Secretary to the AGM

  26. Statement of the President of the African National Congress of South Africa

  27. Statement of the National Executive Committee of the National Executive Committee announcing the dissolution of the United Democratic Front

  28. Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the question of negotiations

  29. Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the current situation

  30. Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the announcement by FW de Klerk concerning the release of Walter Sisulu and other political prisoners

  31. Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress

  32. Statement of the Controversy between the South African and Namibian Government regarding the Walvis Bay

  33. Statement of the church leaders regarding detentions, the hunger strike and the State of Emergency

  34. Statement of the African National Congress on the resignation of P W Botha

  35. Statement of the administrative board of Bishops of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference

  36. Statement of support for the National Union of Mineworkers on the Day of Mourning for Kinross Dead

  37. Statement of intent by the African National Congress: a proposed constitution for a liberated South Africa

  38. Statement issued by the Council and Staff of the Federal Theological Seminary, Alice, Cape Province

  39. Statement by the United Democratic Front issued by Azhar Cachalia (National Treasurer)

  40. Statement by the President of the African National Congress (South Africa) at the World Consultation of the World Council of Churches, Holland, 16-21 June 1980

  41. Statement by Mr D J Louis Nel, Deputy Minister of Information

  42. Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Taro Nakayama

  43. Statement by Legal organisations on the Public Safety Bill and the Internal Security Bill

  44. Statement by education organisations on the Public Safety Bill and the Internal Security Bill

  45. Statement by a representative of South Africa's workers to the Conference: People of the World Against Apartheid for a Democratic South Africa

  46. State of Emergency : Listen to the people of God
    | Poster

  47. Standing for the truth : Mass meeting : Thursday August 31
    | Poster

  48. Staatsveiligheidsraad, 29 Januarie 1979: Besluite
    | Memorandum

  49. Staatsveiligheidsraad, 26 Maart 1979: Besluite
    | Memorandum

  50. Staatsveiligheidraad, 16 Julie 1979: Besluite
    | Memorandum