1. Staatsveiligheidraad, 12 Maart 1979: Besluite
    | Memorandum

  2. Staatkundige Aksiekomitee: Aanhouding en rehabilitasie van gevange terroriste
    | Memorandum

  3. Squatting in the Peri-urban Areas of Metropolitan Cape Town: Paper Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1989
    | Official Document - Conference Paper

  4. Squatters in the Western Cape- Conference Paper presented at National Conference 1978
    | Official Document - Conference Paper

  5. Squatters and Housing: Paper presented at National Conference 1983
    | Official Document - Conference Paper

  6. Sputnik: monthy illustrated digest of the Soviet press

  7. SPRO-CAS Occasional Publication Number 9: Law, justice and society

  8. SPRO-CAS Occasional Publication Number 8: Apartheid and the church

  9. SPRO-CAS Occasional Publication Number 7: Power, privilege and poverty

  10. SPRO-CAS Occasional Publication Number 6: Towards social change

  11. SPRO-CAS Occasional Publication Number 5: Education beyond apartheid

  12. SPRO-CAS Occasional Publication Number 4: Some implications on inequality

  13. SPRO-CAS Occasional Publication Number 3: Directions of change in South African politics

  14. SPRO-CAS Occasional Publication Number 1: Anatomy of apartheid

  15. Speech delivered on Graduation Day on behalf of the Graduands, April 1972

  16. Speech delivered by Popo Molefe at SAUJS National Seminar

  17. Speech at the African National Congress welcome rally

  18. Speaking Your Mind About the Judges and the Law

  19. Speak: from one small jail into a bigger jail: women, detention and restriction orders

  20. Speak: breaking the silence: women say our men must stop beating us

  21. SPEAK: A nation will never be free until women are free

  22. Soweto: urban politics, poverty and race in apartheid society

  23. Soweto Youth Congress launches International Youth Year
    | Poster

  24. Soweto Students Representative Council: To all fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, friends and workers, in all cities, towns and villages in the Republic of South Africa.
    | Official Document - Correspondences

  25. Soweto South Africa 1976: Gaza Strip Palestine 2004

  26. Southern African Catholic Bishop Conference: special commision on economic pressure

  27. Southern Africa repression and resistance / onderdrukking en verzet
    | Poster

  28. South to South: New Zealand-South African Perspectives

  29. South African Youth Congress discussion paper towards restructuring the United Democratic Front, building of a formidable foundation for National unity

  30. South African trade unionism in an era of racial exclusion

  31. South African sanctions: a plea for open debate and the right to dissent

  32. South African Railways and Harbours Workers Union
    | Poster

  33. South African Railway and Harbour Workers Union (SARHWU): Hlanganani basebenzi
    | Poster

  34. South African political prison-literature between 1948 and 1990: the prisoner as writer and political commentator

  35. South African life tables for Whites, Coloureds and Asiatics

  36. South African Liberal Economics and the Question of Power

  37. South African Labour Bulletin: Sep/Oct 1992: volume 16: no. 7

  38. South African Labour Bulletin: Feburary 1990 volume 14 number 6

  39. South African Labour Bulletin: April 1991 volume 15 number 7

  40. South African Institute of Race Relations: Black Sash Advice Office Report 1973

  41. South African Communist Party (Soweto district ) : Launch

  42. South Africa: the state of a nation: vigilance and the need for a critique

  43. South Africa: On The Motivation For Sanctions

  44. South Africa: Implications for The West, and Policy Options

  45. South Africa in Transition: The Five Freedoms Conference

  46. South Africa in Crisis: paper presented at the Black Sash National Conference at Pietermaritzburg

  47. South Africa freedom now: Revd Jesse Jackson speaks
    | Poster

  48. South Africa and the World: Unloved and Lonely

  49. South Africa and the World: Home Thoughts from Abroad

  50. South Africa and Namibia: mass lobby for sanctions against apartheid
    | Poster