1. I was Hungry | Poster
  2. I wanted to know more
  3. I speak my mind on the year of the youth
  4. I speak my mind on the fascist Republic
  5. I speak my mind
  6. I speak my mind
  7. I saw China
  8. I NUM iphumelele R2,6 million yamaxhoba asweleka kwintlekele yase Kinross (article in Xhosa language)
  9. i NUM inikeze nge R30 000 kumaxhoba ezixholoxholo (article written in Xhosa language)
  10. I NUM imisele ingxabano ne Gold Fields
  11. I NUM imisele ingxabano ne GFSA (article written in Xhosa language)
  12. I NUM imisele ingxabano ne Gengold ngomba wokwabelana ngemveliso (article written in Xhosa language)
  13. I NUM igxothe iqela lamalungu ayi 21 (article written in Xhosa language)
  14. I Must Show You My Clippings
  15. I just dont know if I can make it
  16. I have seen the rays of our new South Africa rising
  17. I had a choice ...
  18. I had a Black man
  19. I Gold Fields ileqa inkokheli zesebe ngokuzichukela (atricle written in Xhosa language)
  20. I fear for the future
  21. I Cosatu izobe indlela eya phambili (article written in Xhosa language)
  22. I cosatu imisele iphulo le mass action
  23. I call on Mr Heunis to reconsider his words ...
  24. I B Tabata, President, Unity Movement of South Africa: a biographical note
  25. I B Tabata on the Liberation Struggle in South Africa
    | Official Document - Correspondences
  26. I am the face ...
  27. I am pregnant - what happens at the clinic
  28. I am pregnant - what can go wrong?
  29. I am pregnant - what can go wrong in labour?
  30. I am frightened as I write
  31. I am Azania
  32. I chamber iyamkele imibango engeyiyo eyoqoqosho (article written in Xhosa language)
  33. Hymn for Africa
  34. HWU hospital workers victorious!
  35. Hunger strike what now? | Poster
  36. Hunger in the homelands: present conditions
  37. Hunger in the homelands: past causes...
  38. Hunger and death: time to act
  39. Hunger | Poster
  40. Hunger
  41. Hungary and South Africa
  42. Human touch - the beauty of poetry
  43. Human touch
  44. Human touch
  45. Human rights now! | Poster
  46. Human rights now!
  47. Human rights are God given | Poster
  48. Human rights are God given
  49. Human rights and reparations
  50. Human chain day: 4th Sept: jobs for all | Poster