1. In defence of the freedom of: thought, conscience, speech, press, association and assembly
  2. In defence of the African image and heritage
  3. In defence of socialism! against Stalinism
  4. In court - Azapo fights back against State action
  5. In combat
  6. In Calvins steps
  7. In another state of emergency
  8. Improving the quality of service in the public sector
  9. Impressions of Zimbabwe
  10. Impressions of Conference
  11. Impressions of Conference
  12. Impressions and Thoughts
  13. Implications of apartheid on health and health services in South Africa
    | Minutes
  14. Imperialist conspiracy in Africa | Book chapter
  15. Imperialism and the famine in Africa
  16. Impeach Reagan | Poster
  17. Impala: Gencor strikes again
  18. Impala Platinum: no easy road to collective bargaining
  19. Immunisation campaign in Alexandra
  20. Immorality Amendment Act, Act No 21 of 1950
  21. Immorality Act, Act No 5 of 1927
  22. Immorality Act, Act No 23 of 1957
  23. Immediate prospect for SACP
  24. Imibutho ne Eskom baqale ingxoxo ezibalulekile (article written in Xhosa language)
  25. Imarch yenkululeko | Poster
  26. Imam Abdullah Haron
  27. Imagining a Future
  28. Imagine | Poster
  29. Images of Poverty
  30. Images of defiance: South African resistance posters of the 1980`s
  31. Images la revolte 1965-1975 | Poster
  32. Image of large red person with sword | Poster
  33. Im longing to sing and dance in the street,
  34. Im a clockwork teacher
  35. Ils refusent lexploitation: et nous? | Poster
  36. Ils mettaient tout en commun ... | Poster
  37. ILRIG 1992 Calendar
  38. Illustration
  39. Illustration
  40. Illustration
  41. Illustration
  42. Illustration
  43. Illustration
  44. Illustration
  45. Illustration
  46. Illustration
  47. Illustration
  48. Illustration
  49. Illustration
  50. Illustration