1. How China solves the national question
  2. How China helps liberation movements - the case of Palestine
  3. How can the Government spend R8,12 billion of | Poster
  4. How can registered unions help African workers?
  5. How are we fighting today - different tactics, one struggle
  6. How Anglo rules mines
  7. How and why a small ANC of (S.A.) clique decided to make a public emergence at this time and state in the development of our situation
  8. Hout Bay residents stand united to form civic
  9. Housing: Community leaders give firm No to
  10. Housing Report to Black Sash Conference 1979
  11. Housing for visiting families
  12. Housing for control
  13. Housing cutback
  14. Housing and the low income groups
  15. Housing and health
  16. Houses for all! | Poster
  17. Houses for Africa | Poster
  18. House sales wont solve the problems
  19. House arrest and the rule of law
  20. Hotel International
  21. Hotel and Catering Workers: Know your rights | Poster
  22. Hostels not fit for pigs
  23. Hostels
  24. Hostel war: searching for an alternative to hell
  25. Hostel war: organise - or die
  26. Hostel situation at University Durban-Westville
  27. Hostel dwellers organise for better living conditions
  28. Hospitals in rural South Africa
  29. Hospital strikes in Durban
  30. Hospital strike wins big victory for workers
  31. Hospital pharmacy: the staff shortage crisis
  32. Hospital administrators speak about the crisis
  33. Horrendus results of economic populism
  34. Hopes and fears for the future
  35. Hopes and dreams for 1994
  36. Hope springs eternal, but times are trying
  37. Hope for S.A. | Poster
  38. Hope for Kenya
  39. Hoot for a free Zimbabwe! | Poster
  40. Hoot for a free Zimbabwe now! | Poster
  41. Hoosen Vally : 2 shows | Poster
  42. Honour to labour
  43. Homeless woman | Poster
  44. Homeless | Poster
  45. Homelands must be joined to SA
  46. Homeland policy means: a passport to poverty | Poster
  47. Homeland leader attacks parallel unions
  48. Homeland leader attacks parallel unions
  49. Homeland consolidation behind land transfer plan?
  50. Home thoughts