Published date
9 September 1977
A memorandum containing complete details of a proposed constitutional dispensation was delivered to the Coloured Persons' Representative Council (CPRC)by the Minister of Coloured Relations. The details were released on 11 September 1977. They were also revealed officially by the Transvaal leader of the National Party, Dr. Connie Mulder, who claimed they were honest and well-intentioned. The CPRC was formed with forty elected members and twenty nominated members. It had the legitimate right to make laws affecting Coloured people on finances, local government, education, rural settlements, agriculture, community welfare and pensions. It was first elected in 1969, re-elected in 1975, and permanently dissolved in 1980.
Schoeman E. and Kalley A. (1999) ‘South African Political History’, (Greenwood Press) pg 429|
O’Malley P. ‘Chronologies: 1977’, from Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and Dialog, [online], available at www.nelsonmandela.org.za (Accessed: 15 August 2012)|
South African History Online, ‘Timeline: 1980s’, [online], available at www.sahistory.org.za(Accessed: 16 August 2012)|
South African History Online, ‘Coloured Labour Party strengthened its stance against apartheid’ [online], available at www.sahistory.org.za(Accessed: 16 August 2012)