From: South Africa's Radical Tradition, a documentary history, Volume One 1907 - 1950, by Allison Drew
Document 21 - Letter from S. P. Bunting to E. R. Roux, 27 October 1930
42 & 43, Asher's Buildings,
Corner Fox & Joubert Streets.
October 27th 1930,
E. R. Roux,
P.O.Box 1176,
Dear Roux,
I posted you yesterday copies of the resolutions passed at the Anti-Pass Conference with three paragraphs of general report at the foot. At the end of the first of these three paragraphs after the word 'districts' make a semi-colon and add "also delegates (European and Coloured) from the South African Trades & Labour Council and the Furniture and Garment Worker's Unions who gave short addresses of greeting to the Conference".
In your letter of the 17th instant you wrote about Solly's article. We did not know anything about this article but he seems indignant that you did not publish it. I offered to telegraph to you for the article so that we could discuss it in the Executive but he prefers to write to you asking you to publish it after all. We have no idea of what it contains but from the proceedings of his Industrial Committee of which he has probably sent your Industrial Committee a copy of the Minutes, I gather that he has assimilated the Moscow pontifical style of pointing out "errors" and scolding for them and seeing no good in the Conference. I ventured a criticism of his Minutes accordingly at the last Executive but he says he has read the Minutes of the Conference and is more of the same opinion than ever.36
Our Inchcape Hall Conference was an interesting exposure of the orthodox leaders and also a revelation of grit on the part of I think most of those on the floor, but after all even if there were 600 people present what a flea bite that is out of [remainder missing].