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Online book
Themes in West Africa's History edited by Emmanuel Kwaku Akyeampong
National Character in South African English Children’s Literature by Elwyn Jenkins
Power in Colonial Africa: Conflict and Discourse in Lesotho, 1870– 1960 by Elizabeth A. Eldredge
The Corporation that Changed the World: How the East India Company Shaped the Modern Multinational by Nick Robins
Guerrilla Veterans in Post-War Zimbabwe Symbolic and Violent Politics, 1980–1987 by Norma Kriger
Rethinking Nasserism: Revolution and Historical Memory in Modern Egypt edited by Elie Podeh and Onn Winckler
Rural Society and Cotton in Colonial Zaire by Osumaka Likaka
Doorway to Hell: Disaster in Somalia by General Ed Wheeler and Colonel Craig Roberts
Lunda Geometry: Designs, Knots Polyominoes, Patterns, Symmetries by Paulus Gerdes
Modern World Nations: Nigeria by Douglas A. Phillips
Mobutu's Totalitarian Political System: An Afrocentric Analysis by Jean-Louis Peta Ikambana
Famine & Foreigners: Ethiopia Since Live AID by Peter Gill
Life after violence: A People's story of Burundi by Peter Uvin
Theory, Change and Southern Africa's Future edited by Peter Vale, Larry A. Swatuk and Bertil Oden
France and Algeria: A History of Decolonization and Transformation by Phillip C. Naylor
Elections in Africa: A Data Handbook edited by Dieter Nohlen Michael, Krennerich and Bernhard Thibaut
The African Union by Diedre L. Badejo
Starving on a Full Stomach: Hunger and the Triumph of Cultural Racism in Modern South Africa by Diana Wylie
An Economic History of Nigeria 1860-1960 by R. Olufeni Ekundare
A Political and Economic Dictionary of Africa: First Edition by David Seddon and Daniel Seddon-Daines
Modern Peacemakers Kofi Annan Guiding the United Nations by Rachel A. Koestler-Grack
Kwame Nkrumah: Vision and Tragedy by David Rooney
Human Rights in Africa by Rachel Murray
Black Consciousness in South Africa : The Dialectics of Ideological Resistance to White Supremacy SUNY Series in African Politics and Society by Robert Fatton
The Congo: Plunder and Resistance by David Renton, David Seddon and Leo Zeilig
The Cambridge History of South Africa: Volume 2, 1885–1994
Status and Respectability in the Cape Colony, 1750–1870: A Tragedy of Manners (African Studies Book 98) by Robert Ross
Historical Dictionary of Burkina Faso Second Edition by Daniel Miles McFarland and Lawrence A. Rupley
Great Empires of the Past: Empires of Medieval West Africa Ghana, Mali, and Songhay by David C. Conrad
Exploration of Africa: The Emerging Nations - Nigeria 1880 to the Present: The Struggle, the Tragedy, the Promise by Daniel E. Harmon
Civilization or Barbarism an Authentic Anthropology by Cheikh Anta Diop
Africa’s Liberation: The Legacy of Nyerere edited by Chambi Chachage & Annar Cassam
Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness edited by Catharine Theimer Nepomnyashchy, Nicole Svobodny, and Ludmilla A. Trigos
Harmattan, A Wind of Change: Life and Letters from Northern Nigeria at the End of Empire Edited by Carolyn Johnston
Ethiopia: Modern World Nations by Carol Ann Gillespie
Warrior People of East Africa 1840 - 1900 by Chris Peers
Exploration of Africa: The Emerging Nations - Angola 1880 to the present: slavery, exploitation, and revolt by Bruce Fish and Becky Durost Fish
Muammar Qaddafi: Major World Learders by Brenda Lange
Inventing Africa: History, Archaeology and Ideas by Robin Derricourt
Wole Soyinka: Politics, Poetics and Postcolonialism by Biodun Jeyifo
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