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Peasant revolution in Ethiopia: The Tigray People's Liberation Front, 1975-1991 by John Young
Africa Parliaments between Governance and Government edited by M.A Mohamed Salih
Sierra Leone beyond the Lome Peace Accord by Marda Mustapha and Joseph J. Bangura
Surviving the Slaughter edited by Stanlie James and Aili Mari Tripp
The Crisis in South Africa: Class Defense, Class Revolution by John S. Saul and Stephen Gelb
The Partition of Africa 1880–1900 and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century by John M.MacKenzie
Ethnicity, Inc. by John L. Comaroff and Jean Comaroff
The African Poor: A History by John Iliffe
Africans: The History of a Continent edited by John Iliffe
Re-imagining Rwanda: Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in the Late Twentieth Century by Johan Pottier
The Legacies of Transition Governments in Africa: The Cases of Benin and Togo by Jennifer C. Seely
The Tragic State of the Congo: From Decolonization to Dictatorship by Jeanne M. Haskin
Bantu Historical Linguistics: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives edited by Jean-Marie Hombert and Larry M. Hyman
Senegal by Janet H. Gritzner
Nkyin-Kyin: Essays on the Ghanaian Theatre by James Gibbs
Culture and Customs of Botswana by James Denbow and Phenyo C. Thebe
Clausewitz and African War: Politics and strategy in Liberia and Somalia by Isabelle Duyvesteyn
My African Travels by Henry Morton Stanley
South Africa pushed to the Limit: The Political Economy of Change by Hein Marais
Pan-African History: Political figures from Africa and the Diaspora since 1787 by Hakim Adi and Marika Sherwood
Power, Marginality and African Oral Literature edited by Graham Furniss and Liz Gunner
The African City: A history by Bill Freund
The Political Economy of Regionalism: The Case of Southern Africa by Fredrik Söderbaum
Zimbabwean Transitions: Essays on Zimbabwean Literature in English, Ndebele and Shona edited by Mbongeni Z. Malaba and Goeffrey V. Davis
Cities of the Middle East and North Africa edited by Micheal R.T Dumper and E. Stanley
A New Paradigm of the African State by Mueni wa Muiu and Guy Martin
Child Soldiers: Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front by Myriam Denov
A Life for Africa: The story of Bram Fischer by Naomi Mitchison
Kenya Today : Breaking the yoke of Colonialism in Africa by Ndirangu Mwaura
Ancient Ghana and Mali by Nehemia Levtzion
Detained: A Writer's Prison Diary by Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Something Torn and New an African Renaissance by Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Crisis in the Congo: The Rise and Fall of Laurent Kabila by François Ngolet
Destroying Libya and World Order: The Three-Decade U.S. Campaign to Terminate The Qaddafi Revolution by Francis A. Boyle
Writers in Politics Essays by Ngugi Wa Thiong'o
The Zapu and Zanu Guerrilla Warfare by Ngwabi Bhebe
The Great African War: Congo and Regional Geopolitics, 1996–2006 by Filip Reyntjens
Lusophone Africa: Beyond Independence by Fernando Arenas
The Cambridge History of Africa Volume 8 from c. 1940 to c. 1975 edited by Michael Crowder
A Different Shade of Colonialism: Egypt, Great Britain, and the Mastery of the Sudan by Eve M. Troutt Powell
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