Eudy Simelane

Eudy Simelane was born on 11 March 1977 in KwaThema, Springs, Transvaal (Gauteng). An active LGBTQI+ activist, she was one of the first women to live as openly lesbian in KwaThema.

Simelane was a successful soccer player and received national recognition for her talent on the field. She played as a midfielder for her local Springs Home Sweepers team, as well as for the South African woman’s national soccer team (Banyana Banyana) and used her status as a local soccer celebrity to further her LGBTQI+ activism.

David Koloane fought for the right to define himself – and his art by Ruth Simbao, 24 July 2019

Dr David Nthubu Koloane, who was born in South Africa in 1938, was an extraordinary pioneer in the visual arts who fiercely defied any form of categorisation. As an artist, teacher, mentor, curator, arts administrator and author, he fought for the human right to define oneself and to determine one’s own future.

Over the years he has consistently received high praise. President Cyril Ramaphosa referred to him as a “giant in the arts”. Former President Thabo Mbeki called him

a loyal fighter for the liberation of our people.


The South African Art Collective That Imagined the End of Apartheid by Keenan Teddy Smith, 27 August 2019

CHICAGO — Rarely are poets silenced when nations imprison them for speaking out. Mongane Wally Serote, poet and community organizer who became involved in the African National Congress in 1969, was arrested that same year under the Terrorism Act, the infamous piece of legislation used to imprison Nelson Mandela and silence anti-racist resistance to apartheid in South Africa.
