Solomon Modipane

Mr Solomon Modipane was another of the Bakwena tribesman .He was detained on 25 February 1969 and held under section 6(1) of Terrorism Act at the Silverton police station.He died three days later in the HF Verwoerd Hospital.The head of the CID said that Mr Modipane had received 'certain injuries' when he slipped on a piece of soap,but that this was not necessarily the cause of death. The district surgeon was unable to determine the cause of death.

The boundless energy of Paul Grendon; artist, painter, activist and documentary photographer by Chris Ledochowski

It is with great difficulty that I find myself writing about a friend so recently deceased and who was so much part of my life for over forty years. He was a man of impeccable integrity and gentleness. Paul was a highly disciplined and a complex person who touched so many lives. I shall try to recount my friendship with him.

Ngeni Gaga

Mr Ngeni Gaga,aged 19,died under Transkei Proclamation R400 of 1960 on 9th May 1965 . Mr Gaga had been detained in the Transkei less than 24 hours earlier.At the inquest the official cause of death was given as natural causes.

James Tyita

Mr James Tyita died on 24 January 1964 after being detained in Port Elizabeth.He was detained under the 90-day detention law.The official cause of death was suicide by hanging.He was reportedly found in his cell hanged with his scarf.The period of detention was undisclosed.