Denis Goldberg belongs to those who defeated apartheid

As a white person in white-ruled South Africa, Denis Goldberg chose to be part of the struggles of the oppressed rather than live in the glare of white opulence. His passing is the departure of an icon.

Goldberg belongs to those who changed the history of South Africa from the racist past to the non-racial present, and to a future where the colour of your skin will no longer determine your destiny. A future when your destiny would be determined by the value you added to your community and to the society.


Ruth Naomi Leon

The youngest of nine children, Ruth Naomi Leon (who later started calling herself Tania) was born in a small town called Wellington in the Cape Province (now Western Cape) on 4 May 1945. Her mother, Elizabeth Sampson, was a domestic servant and her father, Frank Leon, was a factory worker and shopkeeper before starting a fish trade, which improved her family’s financial situation.


Tuberculosis, also known as TB, occurs all over the world and is one of the most infectious diseases, causing more deaths than HIV/AIDS and Malaria [1] [2]. It is estimated that a quarter of the world’s human population is infected or has been infected with the TB bacteria and at risk of developing the disease [3].