History Grade 10 - Topic 3 Contextual Overview

While colonialism and slavery flourished in the 18th century, the foundations of modern democracy were also being established. It is important to consider the ideas of liberty, equality, fraternity and individual freedom in the late 18th century, and to understand what these meant in societies of the time. The conditions in France that caused the revolution in 1789 should be put into context regarding why revolutions did not occur in a reforming monarchy such as the United Kingdom, or in Russia.[1]


Our classroom feature includes topics, articles, example questions and answers based on the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). The history classroom explores local and global historical events while also dealing with African history.

Additional curriculum content for other subjects, such as Life Orientation, will be posted as the material is developed.

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Where did all the masks go? by Dewald van Rensburg (22 May 2020)

In the first quarter of this year South Africa’s normally staid and insignificant mask industry exploded.

Like its peers across the globe it had orders pouring in from the original epicentres of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Locally, a layer of parasitic middlemen sprang up overnight. One local manufacturer contacted by amaBhungane requested anonymity on the unusual basis that being named in the media would exacerbate the unbearable deluge of new business coming their way.
