Nkandla, KZN

The Nkandla region encompasses nearly 115,000 inhabitants, spread relatively sparsely over a large Area. Nkandla, is mainly a Rural Area and is in the top five of the poorest places in KwaZulu-Natal province. Poverty is prevalent, with 44% unemployment. The majority of the population are Zulu's. It consists mainly of tribal Lands and state-owned Land. The Area has a wealth of undisturbed Forests, which boast many indigenous species. Nkandla has a claim to be the ‘cradle’ of Zulu History. From Malandela to Shaka, to Dingane and Cetshwayo, Nkandla has been at the centre stage of the Zulu nation’s History. The graves of King Malandela and Cetshwayo are at Nkandla. It is the seat of the Nkandla Local Municipality, and the District in which the residence of the former President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma is located. Contrary to common perception, Zuma's residence is not located in the Town of Nkandla, but rather 40 kilometres to the South beyond the Nkandla Forest and on the road to Kranskop. The name Nkandla comes from the Zulu verb "khandla", which means "to be tired". The forest was named by King Shaka, when he reached the Area, exhausted from his journey and decided to rest there a while. The Chube people who were ironworkers associated with this Area, also used the forest as a stronghold, preventing themselves from being conquered by Shaka. The Nkandla forest also represents a rare type of high wet rain Forest, of which very few examples survive. This type of forest is a remnant of a habitat from many years ago, which would have otherwise been extinct, but managed to survive. The Forest has an impressively high species diversity, and is home to many species that are associated with scarp forest habitats, indicating that Nkandla may be positioned in a transitional zone between mist and scarp forest. More than one hundred and fifty, different bird species have been observed in the Area and wildlife such as Bushbuck, Samango Monkey, Bush pig, Blue Duiker and Leopard can been seen occasionally in the forest. There is also a massive variety of rare plants growing in the Nkandla forest, and this, combined with the rarity of the habitat type as a whole, provides enough reasons for conserving this rare, Forest type. This being one of the most rare and outstanding examples of surviving: 'Mist Belt Forest', in South Africa. The Forest covers the crest and South-Western slopes of the ridge lying above the Mhlatuze and Tugela Rivers at an altitude of between 1100 and 1300 meters above sea level. Streams rising in the forest form deep gorges leading into the Nsuze River which runs along the base of the Ridge. There are currently no visitor facilities at Nkandla, though people who wish to hike or camp may do so with the prior permission of the Officer in Charge.
31° 4' 51.6", -28° 37' 19.2"

Christiana, North West

Christiana is a Town situated in the Bophirima Region of the North West Province in South Africa. It is part of new newly named Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District. Located on the N12 between and Bloemhof and Warrenton, it also shares a border with Botswana in the North and is home to around 20 000 locals. It may be quiet and somewhat secluded, but Christiana has earned its place on the globe for being a significant hub during the Diamond Rush of the 1870’s.

Named after Christiana Meyer, the only daughter of the then President Pretorius. Diamonds were discovered further down the Vaal River during the late 19th Century. Seeing the value, as predicted, when diamonds were found in the gravel close to this little Town in the 1870’s. The former Transvaal Government hastily established a Settlement on the banks of the River, in an attempt to control and alleviate land disputes over diamond discoveries further down the Vaal River. This Town was established on the Farm; 'Zoutpansdrift' ('Salt Pan Drift', in Afrikaans) and named' Christiana'.

Two years later, diamonds were discovered in the gravel of the Vaal River, close by and the inevitable 'mad rush', followed. As usual the initial rush petered with the diamonds, although some are still found from time to time. The first, 'Residential Stands', were sold in 1870. One of the most popular attractions of Christiana is; the Diggers’ Diamond Museum, which showcases authentic pieces of the equipment used more than 120 Years ago, in the finding of diamonds. There are also a number of old photographs on display, which tell the tale of the past and even examples of San rock Art, dating back thousands of Years.

The 'Diggers’ Bell' remains one of the largest in the World. In fact, it is considered to be the largest that was made. However, it sank in the Vaal River, which is where it remains to this day; too big and heavy for divers to retrieve. There are theories that there are diamonds hidden inside the bell, but the surrounding mud, has made it impossible to prove this. These days the mainstay of the Economy is the production of: 'beef, maize, sorghum, groundnuts and cotton'.

The San Bushman Rock Art (excellent examples can be viewed 6km out of Town on the Farm: 'Stowlands') these prehistoric rock engravings which have been declared a National Monument. The beautiful Town of Christiana, offers many activities and attractions for all to enjoy. (The Aventura Vaal Spa is the perfect Resort to stay over at whilst visiting this Town. It is situated on the Vaal River and offers tourists mineral baths, freshwater angling and game viewing.)

-27° 53' 2.4", 25° 6' 43.2"